Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

With the possible upcoming return of Ukraine to Russia, what would be the impacts on GMT+2 appartments ? Are they just going to switch to GMT+3 like Crimea did?

Added February 28th 2022, official position of the project on the military invasion:


We don’t know for sure if that will happen. It was said today Putin hasn’t enough troops on the border for a swift invasion. Even if it did happen (hopefully not as a lot of people will die) their time zone is unlikely to be affected.

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Big load of bollocks. There is not even a war yet. And I bet Russia won’t start a war which would be the first war invading a country for the purpose to claim the territory after Saddam Hussein did to Kuwait in 1991. Putin is not stupid. He does not want to get on that list.


If Putin goes to war with Ukraine, VHTV will be the last problem for the European.

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Nothing will happen. Putin won’t attack the Ukraine. Russia does not have the money and economy for such a war. The only thing happen I can imagine is that mercinaries or unmarked troups get sent to the renegade areas of Luhansk and Donezk to save the status quo there.


Ho ho ho, not so fast.

He already did… Republic of Crimea…

This was not an invasion but an anexation from the inside violating international law. Other than Russia all other countries see Crimea still as part of the Ukraine.



Seriousily, are you comparing third world country army with Russia ? Napolean, Ottoman empire and Hitler all tried their luck with Russia, you know what happened to them. You don’t mess up with Russia


you don’t mess up with russia while INVADING their HOMELAND
their record is far less brilliant on attack

And now he’s going to annex the rest of Ukraine? And then he also says it came from within? And does he get away with that?

All three wars you state had totally different causes and conditions making Russia or the Sowjet Union win. All scenarios you state Russia got attacked and had every reason to defend itself.

The current scenario there is no threat to Russian territory at all. The aggressor of that war would be clearly Russia and v_____e the international law of starting a war for the reason of claiming territory.

He can do that with the renegade territories of Luhansk and Donezk. But not with the territories further west as people there do not want to belong to Russia…

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Let’s hope so… i don’t want a war…

Exactly and Putin knows the ultimate price he would have to pay:
Disconnect of Russia from the SWIFT banking system. No Russian company would be no longer able to pay for goods from other countries. Russia all of a sudden would have the same status as Iran or North Korea when paying for things. Plus not allowing the export of high technology to Russia anymore their economy would be destroyed. Putin won’t risk that.

And there won’t be any I am sure. Even I have the feeling some NATO politicians won’t mind one to distract from their failure inside their own countries…

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totally agree, is too smart for this

he m____rland: it sounds like the old communist tune of the (good) old days. Why not Poland and the Baltic countries, while you’re at it. Ridiculous! :man_facepalming:

Do they use Visa and Mastercard in Russia?