Milana & Robien

As you said, you probably see yourself like this in the mirror, I didn’t insult you, if you can’t contain your emotions, go back to school

btw i thougt all nuclear weapons are out of Ukrainia many years ago(20years???)! Russia lied before! USA too ?

I don’t know where you get your information from, but the Ukraine has decommisioned all of its nuclear weapons as an act of faith towards Russia. The Ukraine does not pose a threat towards Russia, All that the Ukraine has done is turn towards the West. Look at how the Baltic states are prospering in the EU. I would suggest that you look at any of the News Channels broadcasting outside of Russia to realise that the objectives are not being taken as stated by the Kremlin.

And that, kids, is how you part with the project in the stupidest way possible.

Shame on you, guys, for justifying a war crime.

Please expect our franchise management to reach out to you in regards to this post.


Such stupidity cannot be corrected. He probably thinks he’ll get better job offers in the porn business because with views like that sucking ass… Well you can’t be that much of a moron! Russians kill not only soldiers but civilians and CHILDREN. They are justified by such mediocrity.

For now I’m kindly asking everyone to stop off-topic discussions on this conflict and events related and address those here:

@MilkaRobien71 our stance on this conflict was announced today morning EU time via internal communications channel, available to managers & participants (usually, forwarded). In case you didn’t get it, that’s the other topic for discussion with your managers. That’s the end of current discussion here.

We will make a public announcement on the events happening; today via Email to our customers.

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Huh almost like what Russia is doing to Ukraine no?? :thinking: :wink:

Thank You for the quick response.

Son uno de mis departamentos preferidos, obviamente no comparto la forma de tu pensar Robien, pero el trabajo es otra cosa… Una lastima, el no poder seguirles… Abrazos

VH has let a couple stay after raping a girl but they kick a couple out just for an opinion?


the office agree GIF by EditingAndLayout

I fully agree this was the quickest decision to remove them from what they have expressed. The rape apartment fiasco was by far the worst crime yet it wasn’t removed.

Your dear Putine and his jesters have real estate throughout Europe( not simple houses) and fortunes in banks, especially in Switzerland. Explain to us where this money comes from and why hidden outside Russia. Europe will block them and prevent them from coming to get it. The people are poor in Russia but Putput has a personal Royal Palace, not the property of your state… Is this communism? Is it the doctrine for everyone in Russia or just for a few thousand friends of Putin and his family? :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

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This is not an opinion; it’s an opened and inexplicable backing for unprovoked hideous attack made by criminal Putin on sovereign and peaceful country, where innocent people now dying; little difference, and I hope there is no place for such narration at vhtv and those participants will never come back; they’re young, so have still time to learn their lesson;

Hmm, doesn’t actually have anything to do with the point I was making.

You can keep watching them anyway…

@MilkaRobien71 “This user is suspended until Mar 25, 2022 3:00 pm. Reason: In the wrong place”

The reason VTHV gives for bans is comical sometimes…

Hall cam down.

Veo que se levanto la suspencion… Espero que no vuelvan a hacer comentarios politicos y se continue como era hasta ahora su vida de rutina…

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Se cambio la camara del dormitorio nro 7 por nro 8 … mejor, ahora se te ve Robien a cuerpo entero dormir :laughing: (no te cubras)

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