Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Yes they do

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A lot, indeed

You forget something if this happens then Russia will stop export her goods too. Natural gas oil coal and ton of other stuff. This is a poker game Putin is definetly not stupid to invade but also Russia is not Iraq or Iran he just use his military to gain other things that maybe we will know decades later

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Here in Poland, there are many Ukrainians working and they are bringing their relatives over just in case there are problems, and I know of at least three families from the Zaporizhia Oblast region that have done this and it was in the news today that many others are doing it as well.

I hope and pray for us all in this region that nothing happens, but Putin is Putin and no one can predict what he will do next and when.


Yes and they will miss the money other countries will pay for it…


Breaking news!

Nuclear rocket ready to explode in Tony’s trousers!

I almost feel sorry for that poor guy

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Almost? I’m crying for him.

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Its not that easy. Its not a super market especially for Europe to say i dont want your gas today ill buy from someone else


Easier for Europe than for Russia. The sanctions we can impose are far worse. Imagine an embargo on all Western aircraft technology to be exported to Russia. The civilian air traffic would most likely come to a complete stop…

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I am proud to be uk taxpayer and work up to 50 hours a week, if my taxes go to Ukraine on weapons to help fight this battle which this week we sent missiles, i could not be more happy,

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I think it’s wrong to fuel that conflict with more weapons… I am against to supply Ukraine with weapons. Instead of supplying weapons which will have no impact at all when it comes to a serious conflict the diplomatic negotiations should be intensified.

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The only thing Putin understands is the threat of retaliation he grew up in cold war for example you invade ukraine we in Kalinigrand. In Greece we have this situation for 30 years

Putin is not threatening Greece.

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I disagree totally ,they have had negotiations and nothing working ,so uk stands by Ukraine and supplys weapons so they can protect themselves ,agree talks are better but if this fails we have to help them in their fight for their homeland which is right in my opinion but respect all other opinions.this is called Democracy

No we have Turkeys threat of war since late 80s

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No it is called fueling a conflict. You really think a few AT rockets your country sent there will make any difference when there is a real war?
The NATO never learned a thing when it is about delivering weapons… :man_facepalming:


Lol two NATO countries threatening each other. Never ever will there be a war…

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We will leave it there as we differ which is good ,my wife has your opinion same as you and now we are in different beds lol

It will be an economic disaster for Russia and an heavy price to pay just for pure Puting stupidity, but can anyone trust Putin??