Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

Well nothing bad happened. No harm done. :wink:

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Then why did you make it a big deal then? all i did was ask pacer a question he also did the same thing in the wendy topic

You look like a kid discussing something silly. Everyone is free to post the pic they want, how does it affect you? :person_facepalming:t2:

actually it annoys a lot of people just look at the topic. OUT of respect i go out of my way to not post the same pic as someone else

Itā€™s not the same pic, maybe the same moment. But are differents. And always happen that, people post pics about the same scene. So I donā€™t see anything bad about it. We have more alternatives to watch.

VHTV said that if they are so similar that they almost look the same they can count as a duplicate pictures fyi.

A picture taken 2 seconds apart from the other I would say qualifies as being almost the same picture.

A coincidence is posting at the same time, the posts are 2 hours apart so coincidence can be ruled out

They are the same pics just a few seconds apart manā€¦ jesus christ give me strength i did not even want this to be a big deal

One of them is similar, other ones no. So how is the problem?

Well it seems the vote finishedā€¦

Also this one is even worse just 2 second difference but apparently thereā€™s a clear difference

You know what. If youā€™re late to the party and you can clearly see there are images/videos already from the scene you would also love to share with others, think about the value of what youā€™re doing this exact moment and consider using different scenes, or may be you could share some kind of ā€œauthorā€ vision of things like weā€™ve seen numerous times from different high talented forum users here.

If you believe the media posted already is not enough and/or you find the screenshots/media you may provide are of greater value to the community, please approach the original author via PM and send them the suggested media. Please be kind to everybody and understanding if you get no response or approval from the original author.

If you can not clearly see the content you are about to post is close to the same to what have already been posted, it is advised to look harder or to halt the sharing procedure and re-consider your next options.

Peace Out Scooter GIF by Fre$h


Iā€™m sorry, but it does seem like you are being picked on a bit. If an image is only 1-2 seconds apart from the other it is pretty much the same image.

What is the best way for us to deal with duplicate or very similar images. Should they be flagged as spam?

This is a clear example of duplicating content compiled in one post:

To keep the communication clean and accessible to others, we should aim towards minimizing duplicate content between different posts.


Letā€™s try Reporting via ā€œSomething elseā€

im sorry this was made a big deal and i regret not doing it in private, I hope you do not feel reluctant to post screenshots in the future just be more careful @PacerColtsFan181062

Sorry, you know, I consider your opinion very valuable, but I have to disagree.

It depends on what is to be displayed,

a smile, a facial expression, the depth of a finger in a cunt, the level of cum squirted from a dick.

All that can happen in parts of seconds and make a huge difference.

I agree, there is a high chance, that the pics within seconds are most of the times pretty similar,

but sometimes a row of pics within seconds can express totally different things in the first to the last pic.

bottom line:

the time-frame canā€™t be the only meter, itā€™s a matter of individual cases. JMO

@PacerColtsFan181062 is one of the good guys on this forum

Dope, now that the vote for the picture limit per post is in will we be able to implement the rule sometime soon? :pleading_face: :camera_flash:

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