Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

Guys it’s over it’s just a difference of opinion next time sort it out in private as vhtv has said no harm no foul let’s move on with our days :pray::pray::pray:

Of course there are always exceptions. To be more accurate if a picture is 1-2 seconds apart and visually looks the same it is pretty much the same picture.

I think that is where this applies.

yeah i know but i was annoyed because he has done it multiple times to me

Fair enough :pray::pray:

I don’t think he is doing it on purpose, but he should look what people post before he posts his images. Well not just PacerColtsFan181062 everyone should be doing this.

It’s not a big deal it can be handled in private

Huh, no I am just saying everyone should be more mindful of what others have already posted. Personally I don’t like my inbox filled with unnecessary PM’s.

These are, for example, moments that I often look for and post.
When a participant looks directly at the camera, as if looking at me. It really depends on the second, because a second sooner or later the view is already in emptiness.

I’ve been in a situation where I wanted to post a picture like this and someone else was faster but didn’t catch the crucial second. So I wrote him a PM asking if he could delete his picture because mine turned out better. This user did the same immediately. I was able to post my picture and everyone was happy.

With picture walls of 10 or 20 pictures, this is of course a bit more complicated. But I don’t usually look at posts like this.

I’m sure there is plenty space in there :+1:

No Way Cat GIF

Thanks for that appreciate it :+1:

just speaking the truth mate

Another thing when I get on here in the morning time I go straight to the live feed and start saving pics and posting them on here what I save the previous day without even looking at if it’s already posted not my intent to copy anyone I just posting pics like everybody on here
But I understand the other side as well

What’s the limit? I missed the poll.

The vote that one was 10 pics per post.

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I don’t think anyone thinks it is your intent to copy someone, but do you think you would be able to take the 20-30 seconds to make sure the pics you want to post haven’t already been posted? I think it would make a lot of people happy if you could. :hugs:

Yeah I think if you are logging on several hours after the moment has happened then you can be pretty certain it has been covered on the forum especially in the popular topics

This is the post about the poll

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MFW I live in the data center. Congratulations, sir, looks like you have direct highway to THE Internet.

internet soldiers GIF by South Park

Please be aware the general speedtests graphs represent nothing but your speed to one or several specific nodes, which are very well known to your provider too as they have their share in this s__t-show. To be able to properly showcase your internet bandwidth glory, there are more sophisticate ways of doing it, but short story wise: it’s not the speed of your internet connection which is called bandwidth. It’s the speed and performance handling when connected to tens, hundreds, (better not if you’re not a business) thousands of nodes at the same time.

So please, take your nice and shiny speedtest results, put them in a nice frame, like so:

And keep them to yourselves :heart:

Scrubs Shrug GIF

P.S. The most accessible way to everyone (no illegal purposes intended or recommended) is torrent/p2p protocols. One can find ways to both upload and download to hundreds nodes around the globe to see what their internet performance really is.

Dear @Eros, this is nothing personal to you nor anybody. I’m just replying to your random speedtest results with random act of information you might find useful too.