Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

Listen, if we address it, let’s make it straight:

  1. Amount of images per post does not affect the topic or overall forum performance
  2. If you scroll like a madman while your device is not capable of it or your internet connection sucks, well, the forum will perform s__t to you. That applies to any other website given the same starting conditions.
  3. If the community decides via vote to enf___e images qty limit per post, we can enf___e it for everyone and within short period of time we will warn & suspend non-compliant accounts here at forum.

There is no quick technical solution to limit the quantity of images you add per post as these are just links to the post composer functionality, yet it will be as efficient as we just silence the users not complying with this hypothetical rule we may have.

What amount of pictures is a limit for you to consider the post as “comfortably digestible”
  • 5 max
  • 10 max
  • 15 max
  • 30 max
  • Unlimited

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