Yan & Flora


I’ll guess that Yan’s costume in the picture is the costume @David would love Yan to wear tonight and Aderyn to wear similar too.

I wouldn’t complain if Yan ‘wore’ that particular ‘costume’, no! :innocent:

Aderyn, likewise. :wink:

You do surprise me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I can’t be any different to any of you guys though, except for the obvious in terms of a different interest in gender. Surely it’s the same level of enthusiasm?

I wish they would just drag Alderyn over there to join already.

Keep dreaming, that is never going to happen, Flora loves to tease and I not so sure Yan is ready to share. BUT this is VHTV and anything could happen.

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Plus of course Aderyn might not want to. He certainly doesn’t seem interested right now.

I thought there was going to be the threesome there at LR

I have the impression that Flora and Aderyn don’t like each other very much

Agree with this.

Yes well it’s very easy to draw conclusions , as we all do (myself included), without really knowing them and their history properly. I think the circumstances we view, don’t really give us a true sense of reality sometimes.

Should we organise VHTV to have them to go on the Jerry Springer Show and he can interview them to find out all the intimate details. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No, that would ruin the mystery of it all…don’t you think?!

Spoil sport, I wanted to be in the front row shouting Jerry, Jerry, Jerry… :rofl:

Its was a stupid show, but i loved to watch it.

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You mean like burst a bubble? That’s crazy! OF COURSE we should! :rofl: :rofl:

Tell the truth you really want to go to Jerry Springer to get those Jerry beads. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Judge Jerry GIF by The Jerry Springer Show