Yan & Flora

It does make you wonder why the kid is there in the first place. He is a total waste of space and I would have had more respect for him if tried something under the covers or in a blind spot.

Isnā€™t your judgement passed at the drop of a hat?

I donā€™t recall making any judgements

Yes thatā€™s the question. I am not sure if he is Roisinā€™s friend/date or Yan & Floraā€™s friend. he might be just coiming around for spending time with friends ( partying ). we will see what happens soon enough :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well you are denying totally what @John78 is saying, that is your judgement. You canā€™t have it both ways mate!!!

He is from Yan`s circle of friends

Hello @Francis98460 is getting his dictionary out!:joy:

Maybe i havent been clear, Iā€™m saying there isnā€™t any evidence of Flora f_____g Roisin to do anything, that isnā€™t a judgement, itā€™s pointing out a lack of evidence

i donā€™t think so. They never were at the other place!

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I truly wonder who you really are? Are you from the tenants advocacy team? you are defending almost everywhere tenants when s__te is posted about them on this forum

Iā€™m a believer in logic and due process

He did came with the others friends of Yan, stayed with them, _____ with them, they where together when he came first time here.

Since you love this dude, you can chose a name for him if he ever manages to do anything worth saving in the Archive :joy:

Freddy Mercury :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Good one, but only @John78 gets to name him :grin:

yeah i know .just thought i would throw that in :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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all gone .must be on a recruiting trail :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That is your opinion or judgement.

If you say there is a lack of evidence then you should say you simply donā€™t know, but you are not doing that, you are saying she was not f___ed in doing anything. You were exactly the same on the events which occurred at Medeaā€™s, you kept saying there is not enough evidence to say r__e had been committed, so you were a r__e denier. Again you could have ā€œsat on the fenceā€ and say ā€œin my opinion there is not evidence to say r__e has occurred but equally the behaviour of the boys against Naya left a lot to be desired.

As I said you canā€™t have it both ways.

You are right in this respect, my language should be more neutral. I guess iā€™m so amazed that someone could look at the clips provided and make the judgements you two have (of course you could say the same to me which is where we find ourselves at an impasse)

This is where i disagree, if there was enough evidence then i would not deny it. My main issue was saying there was a d__g involved because a _____ was taken outside. There were no cameras outside so it is literally impossible to say what happened.

The fact of the matter is that the burden of proof is on the accusers and the ā€œproofā€ about Flora given would not hold up in any court

Yes we know the _____ was taken outside and out of sight of the cameras. The boys were hardly going to put the d__g in the _____ in front of the cameras. Even they were not that stupid.

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