Yan & Flora

What’s the point no one will believe what they will say anyway.

So you think he is just shy ?

How to believe that massive non sense?

I posted a clip of him yesterday fully naked with paper over his dick he went to put on his underwear and was very careful to not show his dick. So unless you can tell me what is someone who is shy then i’m all ears.

Yeah, I get that. a lot of people don’t like to flash their genitals to others or on camera, but it doesn’t mean they are not interested in sex, how many times have you seen guys having sex in their underwear trying to hide from the cams ? I can think of many instances. but it doesn’t take away their lust, this kid has none.

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Junior was such a person e.g.

The problem is we don’t know anything about him and why he doesn’t have sex it’s just pure speculation i doubt anyone here understands the language and can speak it but I’m sorry i don’t believe anyone here it’s just lies and seriously to go on body language that is just a laugh.

Many probably wonder why i have posted to many negative comments about F&Y, but Flora especially. In my mind Flora and Roisin are friends, so by the lowest possible values of a friendship, F simply ca not do this to her friend. Every single time(except them 20 min last night when she talked with the boy) she was encouraging R to make it happen. This boy looks like from Yans circle of friends, same like the couple was there, but again they been talking with her more and telling her how to approach him. This for me looks like they dont give a fuck about her, just want her to deliver. Treating the boy like is the prince from bell air and R like a sex worker. This is the image i got from this 2 days and nights.

The night the guy was completely wasted from _____ everyone wanted him to have sex with the girl if that was the other way around it would be r__e,

It is r__e if there is no consent to it both ways, not if someone is _____.

Are you serious he was completely wasted that night.

Changing the subject .beautiful rain storm going on. Nice scenery :rainbow:


Yeah, unfortunately we don’t understand the language, but we can watch them so we get the story to some degree. We could all be wrong and he turns out to be the greatest fucker in VH history, but at the moment it doesn’t seem likely. even the people in the house are making fun of what’s going on with these two and they are teasing Roisin about it none-stop lol just look at the clips that people have posted here. you don’t need to be a genius to figure out what’s going on :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Its clear as day

Wtf, where do you live?

So if you date a girl and both go out to have fun get _____ and then fuck, it is r__e?

None of your business.

If she is black out _____ and can’t give consent then yes

What if the consent was given before you both got _____?

no.its windy and pouring down rain