Yan & Flora

@anon10756158 You do know there is a drain plug on the pool? Saves breaking your back and getting sunburn :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I could be very sexist with a reply but I won’t!:rofl:

and where the ‘output’ of the filter pump can be connected can also be seen…

That’s likely now above the water level, but wasn’t when she first started using a bucket to empty the pool, so she could have started with that and the drain plug. That would have taken a third of the time to empty the pool than she did with a bucket :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That would happen to reference a certain hair colour would it? :rofl: :rofl: She is deffo a Malteser.

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I think they can carry on like this … just opening the drain would have cost us some nice views

I have to go for a while, but when I return I WILL be getting the goat out again :rofl:

No it was not concerning hair colour, sorry not going to say anymore.:rofl:

Сегодня ночью вы организовали отличное быдло-пати. Я не смотрел - противно было. С таким коллективом вы бы три-четрые года назад вылетели бы с проекта за пару месяцев.

It’s the original angle since the apartment that why when new apts open i mentioned before to save the images to put them back to it.

The boy in the purple jacket was a little bit _____ so he dipped his head in the water to try and sober up a bit. He is braver than me sticking his head in that water!:joy: Oh and don’t bother to close the gate when you leave!:person_facepalming:t2:

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I get you but I can see if it was 3 feet off but a couple inches doesn’t make too much of a difference :+1:

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Unfortunately, I don’t think I can answer that accurately. I don’t have a subscription, so I don’t have access to that cam. The only times I’ve seen it was in videos when it was in use, which means the light was on. I’ve never seen a video of it when the light was off.


They said the water in the house looks the same because there’s a lot of iron in it.

Я бы ждала 10 лет пока он сольётся. За ночь не солилось даже половины. А насчёт воды, она такая у нас и есть я писала выше. В ней много железа, поэтому она такого цвета

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I saw the sauna in operation once and the picture was worth almost nothing. a pixel cloud in which sometimes human-like pixel clouds seemed to be moving

torey (who else :wink: ) had also documented that. for me no picture was worth saving apparently

But that is only because VHTV is not willing to invest in proper cams suitable for saunas.

Not very good viewing with this pool area either.could use another cam The starlight house close-up is much better. Do they have 2 cams or just 1?

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Just for you @ToreyK . keep your tongue in your mouth :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Aren’t these pools supplied with filters? Who the hell would get in to swim in that toxic crap :laughing:

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