Yan & Flora

i rather suspect that if she had tried she would have succeeded . Sjhe seems to me to be a fairly determined person

I really feel sorry for Yan, he seems to be such a nice lad


c’est deux caractĂšre opposĂ© .un gentil un mĂ©chant.

Just because you miss it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen when many people watched. Go back in topic and you may find her hitting Yan

I can’t understand how drastic you guys are. I hope that the participants and the website don’t think regular commenters here speak for every subscriber. People here complaining about the pandering to cameras and not liking the guests when the apartment has been improving each Best Apartment Poll so clearly the dissenters are not in line with the majority. And if you want Flora gone, why don’t you watch other apartments instead? It would have the same effect for you while not taking it away for people who enjoy it.

I swear it seems like some of the comments sound like they are written by people who don’t know that relationships sometimes have arguments, maybe the commenters haven’t had a relationship before. As for the physicality, it’s for Yan to decide if it’s inappropriate and hey he might think it is too but people are too quick to label when they don’t have the full context

But my point is that we don’t know that she has done anything this time . If some of these guys had there way, a fierce look and they would be thrown out of their apartment & livelihood.

Of course she didn’t
 The feed is cut at that points by miracle, because they were having just a tea :rofl: :rofl:

seule VHTV et en mesure de blĂąmer .

Maybe the comments are coming because some of us don`t like or agree with any form of physical or verbal violence

Repeatedly. Besides keep hurting all the other apartments

Flora we know you read these posts so a bit of free advice control yourself lady or you will lose lots of fans that visit your site every day being violent and throwing tings is not big and not cleaver so wise up before its to late to save your fans

Flore a un comportement immature par rapport a son maris.

Great detective work! I think you are right. She cut it off knowing the spoon would be flying! I really don’t think she would do anything to harm Yan. The last spoon she threw drew b___d. There is no excuse for her to hurt someone. Throwing rice
.better than hurting Yan again. I think she threw it (whatever it was) on Yan because he showered right after. The wooden spoon was back in the pan when the feed came back on. After reviewing the video I think she probably turned off the feed, went back to the kitchen, put the spoon back in the pan, maybe took the bag with the remaining rice she had used a few minutes earlier, went back to throw it on Yan, Yan put up his hands to block it, and that’s why most of it was where Flora was standing and how it got to the laptop which is why Juliana cleaned it. Yan knows better than to continue arguing with Flora when she starts yelling. Yan knew from past experience things could start flying if he keeps back talking her! He should have just stopped arguing and none of this would have happened - LOL! I sure wish I knew what they were arguing about. Can a person who speaks Russian please tell us what the argument was all about?

She has serious mental problems and needs professional treatment.

je conseille a Flore de faire du sport .ça lui sera bénéfique sur le long terme.

I don’t even think he’s arguing. he mostly stays calm, but something he says or rather HOW he says it triggers the explosion. typical problem in conversations between men and women

my own experiences with disputes have brought me to the following 3 realizations:

  • a woman accuses you of something, and you admit it, you’re the ass
  • if a woman accuses you of something and you deny it, no matter whether rightly or wrongly, you are called a liar and you are the ass
  • don’t you react the way a woman would like or expect 
 I think I know the answer: you’re the ass

compared to yan i was lucky that nobody threw dangerous things at me. my choice of girlfriend was therefore healthier for me, but in the end i stayed single anyway.

My mom would get mad and throw things at me. She only drew b___d one time (a fork) and never threw anything at me again. I never saw her throw anything at my f____r. I know my m____r was the kindness, gentleness, best person ever. She did not need professional help. It’s just the way she was (and I deserved the flying objects. Yan never deserved the flying objects.) Flora’s getting better. She knows to turn off the feed and not hurt Yan! She does not need help! She’s really a kind, generous (she lets the freeloader live on the couch, cooks his meals, does his laundry and gets him laid), good, mature person who cares for others. She has a temper
.don’t we all! And another thing
.they all spend too much time with each other in such a small apartment. They are right on top of each other all the time. Maybe if they each had a part time job, it would help their relationship because they could get a break from each other. And another thing
.if Aderyn did not live there and only occasionally visited, the tension he brings to the apartment would go away and things would be a lot better. Juliana seems to be a calming influence and Yan really enjoys having her there. Note: I wrote this and only mentioned Aderyn twice! I got to quit _____ing. I comment too much and my comments are too long!

This is what i think that triggers the explosion, off curse helped by her mental issues

You are right about the three realizations! I couldn’t agree with you more!

And that may be one of the issues
 They really had fun and enjoyed last night long fingering session. Finally saw Juliana with a pleasure face

They play with fire and then they get burn right in their faces

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