Yan & Flora

but they eat the food :grinning:

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@Aderyn is dreaming to himselfā€¦ I am so happy to be back at momā€™s place. So now I cuddle up next to my lovely Guido and dream of him taking my butt holeā€¦LOL realm4-cam16-1643936834

That is her homework giving by the teacher! :laughing:

@Aderyn Your dreams are coming true ā€¦ you better hurry and slip it in. Your lovely Guido is getting ready and opening it up for youā€¦ realm4-cam16-1643938684

You just crack me up! :laughing:

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At first it was nice to watch this house. There was sex and activity involving new people.Now they just pack ,undress and go.(Same routine)I hope this house comes alive again. Itā€™s good to see the red haired girl again by the way.



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Very funny, 4 topless girls chatting on the sofa. And the redhead is simply stunning!

Wow, I am so happy to see the lovely Roisin . :heart_eyes: Thanks for the heads up :blue_heart:


Seems Aderyn didnā€™t get a invite to the party, he even had to ring Aylin to bring his trousers to him

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so where is everybody else and i hope Aderyn is moving out most of this is because of him

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very sad nobody wants him around

Little boy got grounded by mum :joy:

4 beautiful and stunning girls :heart_eyes: :heart: :fire:

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Roisin :blue_heart:

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Natural redhead? :wink:

Yeah, I think so, thatā€™s why I named her Roisin meaning " Little Rose " :stuck_out_tongue: :blue_heart:

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Nice name. Suits her :heart_eyes:

She has a beautiful smile. Flora looks hot with her glasses too :nerd_face: