Yan & Flora

relaxes as she undresses


miraculous recovery of Aylin :rofl:

I pee sitting down when my cock is hard/semi hard or it goes all over the place and I get grief from my wife!

Who lives where? I have been flying over the last 5 days. But I haven’t figured out a real concept…

She might of been sick through laughing seeing Aderyn trying to have sex with a prostitute and stopped by the cameras

Yan and Flora are the only ones living here, Muse visits almost daily and has spent a night here, Aylin visits almost daily but still s___ps at her apartment, Astrid,Guido & Aderyn are s___ping at the other apartment

Max. I don’t think they have either :rofl: glad you made it back. and safe traveling :heart_eyes:

Have you now found out if Muse has a friend?

I also try to limit travel, but unfortunately some things are only possible on site. :crazy_face:

Whereby I have to think in the right language again, otherwise some things sound stupid. :joy: :wink:

Seems her and Kent have a “thing” but whatever that thing is I don’t think it is entirely clear While they was on the apartment on their own They have got naked and hugged and kissed on the sofa but nothing else has happened between them

Muse has had some action with a red headed girl (rosin I think her name is)

flora, as I guessed


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Wait a minute, wasn’t Yan just eating that a minute ago?

situations are very volatile :smile:

:face_v___ting: :laughing:

LOL nothing better in life than a B___dy Mary

Yes Flora :heart_eyes::heart::fire:

@Stinky240 did your spreadsheet catch this? Lol

Muse can already do the camera position in your s___p.


Watching Fifty Shades of Freed :+1: Great choice

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Where’re the feathers in the back and the hats? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: