Yan & Flora

The way Astrid is laying right now is :heart_eyes::fire:

As been said it was for sex but she didn’t like the cameras, at least she gave him his money back

Was she a working girl ?

I assume so, she gave him money from her bag

Aylin is gonna fall in love with him, when she finds out about this :joy: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Haha think hell will freeze over first before that ever happens

They’ve gone to hiring prostitutes now…? smh

Seems that way, as with the screenshots above he turns up with her, he undresses, she spots the camera and wants to turn it round to face the wall, Aderyn says can’t do that, she goes to her bag gives him money and she then leaves

Yeah, terrible idea. :-1:

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And I wonder who’s idea it was to hire a hooker? I’m pretty sure that Aderyn didn’t come up with that idea himself, if at all!

Don’t know why Flora can’t hook him up with a girl who will teach him things. The right girl and he seems like he would do anything to please them.

But he wants Guido!

it’s probably yan idea cuase he done it before when he lived with otto & lola. i saw him do alot

Wasn’t he with Hope then?

yah, but he had sex with other girls

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Is that why Flora is so controlling of him now?

@anon10756158 not watched this apartment since the 26th Jan as really boring and nothing has changed according to the forum. However, would like your thoughts on Aderyn & Aylin if you look back I asked your thoughts a couple of weeks ago how they would get on and your response was “give them time” so just wondered how a prostitute ended up in your apartment last night to have sex with Aderyn and is that giving them time? Obviously you will not reply due to the drama it caused

why is flora aylin crying, will the drama never end?

Aylin came home to cry to mommy, Aderyn is being mean to her.

@anon10756158 life is a two way street it’s 50/50 when two people are living together it’s a give and take but may I suggest that if you let Aylin move in with y’all then it would be no more of this back and forth between those two because my opinion is that you have to give to receive