Yan & Flora

Please don’t take offense but I seriously you are way too emotional when it comes to these two limp dicks. Other than their looks what have they bought to the apartment. yea sure they have fucked girls but even when they did it is was rated very much below par by the viewers. They have their pretty looks I get that but other than that???

Well, they were pointless to me. Talking to a wall would have same effect just would look slightly more ridiculous.

We had and there is no reason not to continue. Just sometimes I really want to slap you (and don’t you dare imagine anything sexual behind that, you perv :slightly_smiling_face:)

I genuinely understand that…but please don’t because I am not too good with pain! :laughing:

What happened? Why offline?

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WTF is your problem?

No I will not change my picture…why should I?! I find it totally offensive that someone would have the cheek to make such a demand (regarding the picture…I am not referring to the first half of the post), bearing in mind the complete lack of knowledge of the significance of the picture I use.

What is your problem with him dude?

He’s quite offensive. Every post (well most of my recent ones) have had negative responses from him. Not even YOU (or most others, in fairness to them) have done it like that, despite recent disagreements on here. It’s not nice and I will be keeping an eye on the situation.


He is a homophobic jerk. He should have been booted off the forum long ago.

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The thing with these people is they are mostly there to have fun with the people they are most comfortable with. They’re not going to just go out and look for performers just to make viewers happy. And as much as the limp dick syndrome annoys me, I would still rather have it this way then for them to just go out and look for random guys to fuck. Cause in all honesty that s__t will get boring real quick. Much better to see smiles on their faces when you know they are all having a good time.

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Oh she knows


Aderyn once again unable to get the job done… Poor Alice :roll_eyes:

like whats the point of shagging

like he is making the sex looks boring

you meant if invited girls had dicks, aderyn fuck her more often. lol

boys underwear needs to be change daily… they been using red CK a week ago.

They have been taking advice from Robien, let’s see how long you can wear the same pair of undies for! :laughing: