Yan & Flora

Why is that SUCH a terrible problem, worthy of vicious criticism (from some), given the fact that they know they have people watching?

On the bed session I do not believe any of the three guys came.

Oh no, not the sympathy vote now :rofl:

Come on it is totally normal people write about that. We had that about every guy when he has problems. But here the problems are permanently :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As a surgeon performing a delicate brain surgery I kind of get shat on if I underperform especially when there are students looking in the gallery.

Nope. Limp dicks all over the place :joy:

Yes exactly so he should be allowed to do things the way HE wants to. Why on earth should he be expected to perform a specific way and then ripped to bits, just because he doesnā€™t? A bit of gratitude that he is actually on there at all, goes a long way you know!

Come on. Gratitude? Why? Most of us would prefer a guy there who knows how to fuckā€¦

And as I said same is written about Ross and sometimes other guys (For example Henry sometimes) And nobody ever complains.

You do know Flora will kick his ass out if he does not start performing. She wants happy viewers not disappointed limp dick performance stuff. They choice to be in that environment and we as viewers will let them know how we feel.

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I think she is used to limp dicks being with Yan? :joy:

Let me take you back to my earlier comment about when he was on the sofa.

I realise you have the hots for him but donā€™t take it personally. Even worse is those suggesting those two should get a place to themselves, FUCK ME that would put Candy Red to win an Oscar compared to the snoozefest we would see there.

At least we certainly agree on the subject of her!!! :laughing:

As both are not gay or even bisexualā€¦ Will be an epic failureā€¦

Not only that, Flora is the one that brings the girls, what would they do?

And you apparent certainty on this specifically, is based upon what, precisely?

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Watching the place of course. There was never any action indicating thatā€¦

Play video games and wanking limp dick :joy:

You forgot to add the word ā€˜yetā€™. Plus of course any reference to what MAY (or of course may notā€¦I realise that) happen OUTSIDE the apartment.

Every single touch they do is orchestrated to bring in viewers and OH boy when any of these three even does so much as a little stroke the forum goes berserk with some thinking that the deed is about to be done. If they were bi we would certainly see some sort of spark or even a slight make out session, well that is not going to happen, their back doors are firmly shut. :upside_down_face: