Warning to tenants, violence!

You all speak beautifully, but I will not tire of saying that it is better to come once and see how everything works in my or a neighboring country. All the shaking of the air remains a shake of the air, nothing changes for many.

there is nothing else to debate this should of been closed ages ago but the ceo or whoever i guess likes to feed the trolls and makes the situation worse

Since when to defend yourself against r__e and other criminal activities that take place in something you watch makes you a troll? Jesus…


Ah, now I see it too. @VHTV_CEO sweeping an incident under the rug. :wink: sweeping under the rug


It is impossible to watch, when anyone is getting hit and is a___ed. I’m sure that nowhere is that the policy of Voyeur House TV. Elon and Sophia have had some of the best parties in the past. SINCE he believes that he should have sex with every female who shows up in his apartment, he is out of control. Sophia has tried to speak to him, and she has put up with a lot over the years. If you go and look at Jan. 19th, you will see him hitting a woman over and over again! This should not be tolerated and has to be against your policy. Even the people there can’t look. When this has happened in the past, guests have walked out. Please do something about this. I love the site, but not this. Stop it!

Merged your topic titled “Policy on Hitting Women and A___e” to this existing thread which fits your post better. Wonder why nobody mentions men being hit by women… just sayin’.

I’m no expert in couples’ relations, there are a lot of forum members who may believe they are, but here are some posts I read written by Sophia & Elon separate from each other. I’m not defending anything, but I believe it would be better to listen to people who you talk about in your post first before making conclusions. You may be right, though. May be wrong too. Here’s some perspective anyway:

Please use translation feature (press globe) in corresponding posts to be able to understand what’s written in languages foreign to you.


AMAZING!!! WOW!!! Obviously tenants do dictate what is totally acceptable on VHTV. Pathetic!!! GUILT BY ASSOCIATION.

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But, if some women or men like to be slapped on the ass or in their face while fucking, how is that a___e?

They are showing what they do in their bedroom, that is what you pay to watch, isn’t it? Their lives.

I understand it may uncomfortable to watch for some, if it’s not for you, then stay off their apartment!

Sophia: I have one the most sexy, loving and caring man in my surroundings (that’s why women come to our place to have sex with him), and still some people may find him problematic. Why? I already explained everything in our apartment topic. I don’t understand. I have a feeling I just can’t win in this kind of argument. Never thought I would need to protect Elon from this kind of accusations.


I write in English that there are as few translation errors as possible. The CEO of this site has already become a victim of such.

The “challenge” is, among other things, that many do not understand Russian and also the IMPRESSION was given by the CEO in many postings that the Russian sees violence and r__e as “normal”. (not so blatantly expressed but in the direction)

Now there were some border crossings to be considered according to “Western” standards, which were solved suboptimally for some/many users here.

Now some people think that any border crossing is tolerated by VHTV or just does not entail any penalties.

The fact that Elon is special and your way of life is “out of the norm” may be misleading for some.

But you would just say that you like harder sex, but through code words that are 100% adhered to, everything is safe.

Honestly, some people just need to stop acting so upper echelon! :roll_eyes:

I think we are mature enough to know the difference between a man/woman being beaten against their will and rough sex.

@Sophia_Elon Has publically exonerated her partner of these accusations, but yet, they still bitch about it.

I understand viewing rough sex may not be for everyone, but just because it’s not the norm or custom of others, doesn’t make it wrong.

Everyone enjoys different types of sex, and you’d think, being subscribed to a voyeur site looking into people’s lives - they would expect sexual diversity, but no, they come in here condemning people for their actions.

If you don’t like what you see, move to another apartment, cause participants aren’t going to change the way they live or fuck, to please us!

@Sophia_Elon Ignore the haters!

Say “you’re” are mature enough, not “we”.

You can not speak for all of us… some people have different views

Your response doesn’t make any sense! But carry on.

Did sina and sky get kicked off for fighting? I asked vhtv if they are coming back and they said"we dont know anything about our tenants, if they reach out then yes" Like who knows nothing about their own employees? That was such bulls__t answer

VHTV is the platform operator, they have contracts with the managers who operate the apartments.

The managers, if they are not participants at the same time, get the participants.

Conclusion, the managers determine the participants and see if certain participants come back.

In other words, Henry, for example, is not an employee of VHTV.

Users such as kaya or VHTV are employees.

You are not a judge!

i am too and I’m not a judge

My ex wife loved to be spanked, small slaps on the cheeks and liked to have her hair pulled…crimes??? And many more lill things can hurt your eyes ! Many other things that could hurt your eyes if you didn’t understand our language during the action…lol