Warning to tenants, violence!

Based on the events of the last week, subscribers are informing you and warning you that we will not tolerate any aggression against partners. BDSM is part of the game, domestic violence is not!

For most, the sanctions of project managers are too lenient or poorly communicated. Short offline and deleting evidence is not the solution to the problem. Due to the lack of communication, there is an impression that things are being swept under the rug. We sincerely hope this is not the case.

As it is clear to us that homeowners/managers will not take their earnings, you may be boycotted by us. There are people out there who canā€™t wait to replace you.

Although there is a lot of chaos in many parts of the forum, we are united in this matter.

VHTV Notice: Project owners make sure all residents are informed of our position. Be aware that the project has long gone beyond random visits, among the clients you have people who are attached to the residents, virtual coexistence with residents is part of their everyday life. We feel as part of this system. Not just because of the money we transfer to you, you have given us much more.

For even better well-being among our residential friends, we need to get rid of rotten apples.

Regards, Handsdown


There is an interesting article in the New York Times today about how Russia is cracking down on any dissent and going back to the old glorious days. A human right group Memorial has been shut down. Not a good time to be in opposition against Putin as we all read how they lands up, in prison or simply k__led. Some guy here wrote that a___e against women had recently been decrimalised. So, they are going back to the good old days where this type of thing was only a Western decadent and simply does not happen in glorious M____r Russia. Yes, ignoring it and simply not doing anything is the way to go.

You have to wonder if an activist saw the repeat of domestic a___e on VHTV and nothing being done about it got involved. Wrote to all the credit card companies, PayPal and all the other payment methods. Visa, Mastercard and Discover cut ties with Pornhub and blocked customers from making purchases on the website using their services after the allegations were reported in December 2020. Does it seem farfetched, you tell me.

There are millions of activist marching against violence against women worldwide. It has been recognised as a major problem especially in some countries that seem to offer little assistance to victims of domestic a___e. Time for VHTV to take this matter more seriously. No matter what excuse they come up with they are responsible for what happens on their platform. This passing the buck onto the manager is simply not acceptable.

Do I sound like a broken record, probably to some but violence in any form especially domestic violence is simply not acceptable. I will not support any apartment that have domestic violence and if VHTV does not do something I will not be renewing my subscription (I still have 260 days) so I can still bitch for a long time). A small step but not sure what else I can do.


I will not limit myself to waiving the subscription, after all, the vast majority of apartments are in accordance with the rules.

However, areas where violence is taken place definitely need to be blocked. Or boycotted. And here subscribers are strong and we can change things.

There are viewers here that think we are over reacting or simply enjoy this type of drama so I doubt that will ever happen.

Iā€™m aware of that but I do not bother with these individuals. Yesterday, some saw the response of the majority. And I believe there will be more and more of us. Especially since the level of violence is dangerously on the rise.


I eagerly await a response from VHTV on this topic, will it be the same old ā€˜ā€˜we are aware of the problem and the manager has been finedā€™ā€™ BS or could they actually do something constructive to put an end to this once and for all. 2 apartments with domestic violence in the last 24 hours and simply offline for a short while.

YES @VHTV_James , @VHTV_CEO , @VHTV_Editorial and whoever has some influence we await your response.

It should be on our minds that for managers this is a business. We donā€™t even expect them to do god knows what.

However, we demand that the residents are clearly informed that we are on the other side with clear statement about that matter. Many of them do not use forum, so it should be clear to them what is happening when their line of views dries up.

You have to realise that we cannot dictate how VHTV run their business. Saying that we can say what we think and view our opinion which they have the right to disregard. This is a very serious issue and they should regard it as such. They might be of the opinion that they are doing everything possible but many here clearly disagree.

The tenants get paid for doing what they do, in a way professional entertainers. They need to be vetted a lot better than what is happening at the moment. They need to be warned about the environment they are getting into and that they will be scrutinised 24/7, get criticised and sadly at time ridiculed by viewers. If they cannot handle it then donā€™t apply. Yes of course the occasional heated argument is bound to happen as in any relationship but at no stage is violence acceptable.

this morning I am shocked at what I saw. I am especially disappointed. There is more and more violence in the apartments. Sina & Sky, Mira & Henry, Marica & Mikl and Savannah & Troy I believe there is a real problem with a_____l in all of these couples. They gave us a good time, but I didnā€™t come looking for arguments and violence. We care about those people who allow us to see them live their lives. So itā€™s even more disappointing to see some reactions. I have less than 24 hours of access to the site, and I am wondering if I will extend my subscription or not At the moment iā€™m too shocked to think about what i want to do

Have you considered what actually happens to the victim of a___e when they ā€œget rid of the rotten applesā€? Oh sure, you feel good for the good deed youā€™ve done, but is the picture so rosey for the person who got a___ed? What do you think happens to them when the cameras turn off? You donā€™t really care do you? Out of sight, out of mind! Is it ever possible that the manager and vhtv are actually helping the victim by allowing them to stay even if the threat remains? The problem with this idea of ā€œgetting rid of the rotten applesā€ is that you donā€™t have all the facts and you donā€™t know the actual stakes involved. All you can ever really do is put faith in the manager and vhtv and hope that they are doing what is best for the victim. Your strategy of immediate expulsion may actually end up putting the victim in a worse predicament. Think about it at least.

If you had read comments on apartments which have experienced violence you would realise that you are not the only ones with those concerns. VHTV need to take responsibility and do the necessary. They should have a better vetting system in place. But one thing for sure is these apartments should not be allowed to continue as nothing happened.

How exactly would you propose vetting them?

What would be the proper punishment that does not also punish the victim in the situation?

When you apply for a job do you not fill in the application and then vetted? Same thing should happen here. Donā€™t ask me the technical details but there are people that would know how to do it.

If this is respond to my contribution, your writing is contradictory. This is exacly what I am writing about. Residents need to be aware that such behavior will not be tolerated and are under constant control. With this awareness alone, many hits can be saved.

Rotten apple is expression in my country means infecting others, makes doing so normal.

You do realize that people lie? Itā€™s not like they are going to be honest about their violent tendencies. I think before you guys set out on a crusade like this you need to cover the ground and actually propose a reasonable idea. A one man boycott is hardly effective. How can vhtv eliminate acts of violence that may occur on open cams in a persons home? And how can they do it so that the victim isnā€™t further victimized?

Who knows what the punishment should be. If you hit a fellow worker you can bet your bottom dollar that you will fired and the victim helped. Same should happen here. The partner getting a___ed in all probability might have experienced the violence before, therefore should be aware that this type of work might not be right as both would be expelled from the project. All I know is simply not enough is being done.

As far as I know there is a three strikes policy until kick out? At least that is what I heard in the past

These are acts of passion and _____en states. Acts of violence happen a spurs of the moment. They have tunnel vision. They arenā€™t considering the consequences of their actions.