Warning to tenants, violence!

let’s take a look at the translation.
Ваш ответ Джорди, давнему покровителю это выше всяких похвал
image - translate to russian

- back translate to english
I don’t understand whether he scolds him or praises him. Because I have read and understood praises.

the responce was my voice is not relevant not beyond abysmal

Per si no ho tenies clar Jordi, clar t’ho han explicat, som irrellevants. Jo de tu no em m____taria i faria el que jo (bon vent i barca nova).

I am saying the response you received is abysmal or in other words, appalling!

it was Demonchik translaation i was on about think he translated you instead of the vhtv co

Okay, translation difficulties. Let me put it another way - despite the fact that Jordy is a very long-time subscriber to the site, I can’t be guided ONLY by his opinion. I basically can’t be guided by any one subscriber’s opinion. I think that’s pretty obvious.

Demontschik & I get 1 month premium free.

The CEO’s ass was saved. :joy: :rofl:

My speech, however, had not made me so much trouble to translate back & forth.

I gave you an example of translation

What rule did Jordi break and you banned him from the forum? He just posted your reply and said his opinion. Isn’t that why forums exist? Anyone who disagrees with you gets banned? What kind of management is this?

I wrote everything in that thread. Anything not clear in particular?

At this point the CEO sounds like CamaradsOfficial did. He buried himself in his own words. Should have followed Jeffrey’s advice.

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It’s his forum … he can do what he wants.

As it seems…

I can see beyond this topic. When a user breaks the rules elsewhere on the forum, it seems to you that he has been banned for saying the wrong thing in this thread. Go away from the thread and walk around the forum and you’ll know why he was banned too. it’s not hard

Whatever you say on it, I have not seen that the CEO crossed the line and banned just because he can do it or because it’s his forum.

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I think this topic should be closed. It started out fine, with “we, the people” demanding, and @VHTV_CEO answering and reacting in they way he/she could. I initially hoped this topic would stay open for similar incidents, but the thread has detoriated into some of “we, the people” just repeating themselves, not realizing that the community was heard, but not in their way. Being part of a society means you cannot always have your ways. Some say “close this domain!”. Others say “no, don’t close it, because then we won’t know if it happens again”. In the middle of that, and far, far away, both geographically and culturally, @VHTV_CEO has to decide what happens.

Although I hate what I saw, in multiple domains, I am humble enough to realize that I do not know what is best for the victims. I don’t live in Russia. I don’t know the culture. But I know s__t like this happens in my country too, and Norway is ranked on top in most surveys. Whether it is about the people’s happiness, the acceptance of homophiles, or the level of true democracy. Far above the US, for instance. And miles above Russia.

I think this topic should be closed. It does not lead anywhere. And I think @VHTV_CEO, although he/she has an economical interest, does what is more right than I could decide.

So please close this topic, but be open for new ones if new s__t happens.

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By all means close it, but don’t expect this debate to suddenly go away.


we say it’s just a shaking of air. What will it change? So let’s essentially, what will your debate change? I’m just very curious to know, I read all the topics from the very beginning. But in this thread, you pour water from empty to empty

It may come to nothing in the end, but if we always just gave up because things just got too difficult, we would never realise positive change for those subjected to violence & r__e. The a___ers will continue to get away with it, and go on to a___e others because they know they can.