šŸ”„ VHTV Telegram Channel

Please log into desktop or browser version of Telegram in order to disable content filtering. There is no option to do this via iOS. There is no problem with Android devices.

My device is Android, but there is no option to disable the filter. I also sent a photo of the phone screen

Your screenshot has not been uploaded here:

There is no such setting in Android app as there is no filtering in Telegram app for Android.
But, when it comes to country or store specific regulations, you may want to install Telegram app directly from Telegram. This will ensure your app version is not feature locked by your app provider like Play Market.

There needs to be a simpler non premium translator button or something

I do not understand what your suggestion is here.

VHTV Telegram is in English. You do not need translator.

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Not everyoneā€™s language is English though. Thereā€™s not much to translate in our channel, but Telegram Premium users have an option to translate any message content to their language though. Recently, they rolled out whole-channel translations too for Premium users.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying

I believe (not sure but a possibility) he was talking about forum

What do you mean with Premium user? I do not pay for Telegram and always have the translation optionā€¦

Oh well good lucky you for some reason I still have a problem

Amilee seems to be the only one with her own profile that I can follow or connect to and anytime she post something with dialogue itā€™s not in English so I have no clue. I thought for a while I was connected with Sophia and Claudia but then suddenly it had restrictions and is private

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I donā€™t know if this still works in newer versions of Android, I have version 8, but if you highlight text in Android, an options bar appears to let you copy, paste, select all, etc. On the right end of that bar, I see three vertical dots. When I tap those dots, I get an option to translate the highlighted text. Your mileage may vary. Hope it works for you.

Android version 8. wow, most are on version 13 now pal :laughing:

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I hope you do not do any security relevant things with your phone like online banking or things like that because Android 8 no longer gets any security updates for a long time. So your phone is at risk basically any time. Highly recommend you getting a new one.

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It wonā€™t let me update to a newer version, unfortunately. It was a gift from someone who no longer used it.

Canā€™t get a new one for the same reason I canā€™t get a subscription, unless some very kind and generous soul out there has an old one they wouldnā€™t mind parting with.

I do appreciate your concern very much. Both you and @robwin.

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You do not need a credit card to buy a phoneā€¦? :thinking:

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Itā€™s not about a credit card. Itā€™s about the money, sad to say.