🔥 VHTV Telegram Channel

Not Wayne but Ben(jamin) :joy:

It’s sex, doesn’t really matter the names :joy: :joy:

You need to go check their youtube channel and find out who is “Daniela” :joy: :joy:

Lora of course. :joy: :joy:

All these versions coming out i find rather funny really, surely not to just sell new phones or am i being rather synical :laughing:
After all when 8 came out it was the bees knees then and everybody had to get the latest version :laughing:
How long before version 13 is considered unsafe then :laughing:

Usually security updates are given by Google for about 4 years.

Yeah i got a Pixel 4A, had it just over 2 years now, good phone really would like the 7 now but its rather expensive. Just would like the bigger screen but an awful lot of money just for a bigger screen.
The 4A will do me for another 18 months though i suppose, can think about it then.
By then i expect we shall have the 8 or 9 out :laughing: Never ending spiral ain’t it.

Well I got a 7 pro last year and I can say very good phone. Upgraded from a Pixel 2XL

I tried to access the Telegram channel, however it says that ‘channel can’t be displayed, because it was used to spread pornographic content’. Am i the only one that sees this message? Any solution?

look for an option like this, it’s been a while since i did it so I’m not sure exactly

Telegram channel does not work anymore for me

Please elaborate. It’s there, working as usual :slight_smile:

If I click on the button there is an error: Safari can‘t open this page because it’s invalid

Just upgraded to a 7a, it is generally acknowledged that the 7a is almost as good as the 8 or 8 pro, the miniscule difference is not worth the silly extra price.
Also a decent size without having to carry around a b___dy brick :rofl:

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where is the link to the telegram chat group?

There isn’t any chat group. There’s a channel where the adverts for the different activities are posted

ah okay thank you, did there used to be one but got dismissed as in closed down?

No, the only place for chatting is this forum. Twitter before and Telegram now are only used for adverts

ah gotcha thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

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