🔥 VHTV Telegram Channel

Like Rachel V.Mary Veryonika and some others. Are they on there?

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There are dozens results for first two, but no results for Veronika.

You should try exploring it yourself.

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Have never been able to install Telegram so gave up in the end as was just going round in circles.

I’m thinking about getting the Telegram is it worth it cause I’m starting to think I’m missing out of all of the :fire: on the telegram

Well if you want to be alerted previously by every single thing that needs advertisement to call viewers and it’s programmed to happen soon, sure it’s the best thing you can do.
I believe soon they will start to release a daily report for each realm with the scenario for the day and the hours when each even will start

Tomorrow Realm ‘abc’
10:30 - shower
11:45 - kitchen naked
13:00 - cooking
15:37 - sex with random guest
15:39 - shower after sex. Dildo to satisfy
16:34 - pussy on cam
19:00 - naked dinner with candles light
21:30 - twister and card games
23:47 - sex with boyfriend
23:55 - shower

You just need to make an account and use telegram desktop at best. And as Sparkles said better mute the channel and check yourself otherwise you get bombed with notifications :joy::joy:

Whatever i may have said about it, sure wasn’t to install / use any of the show advertisement tools :grin:

Never been able to install it to be honest just end up going round in circles, phone/PC/phone and getting nowhere so gave up weeks ago :crazy_face:

Thank you all for the feedback @jabbath1987 @crossmyway @Sparkles appreciate it :+1:

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I want to know the participants individual account info and to be connected to them. Like Amilee has

You can always ask it by contacting participants themselves. If they are willing to do it.

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No guarantee just like when I tried under Astrid discussion of getting a response. I don’t think I am allowed to send participants private messages either. I’m not premium

@VHTV I just got the VHTV Telegram all I got to say is
perfection GIF
It’s the perfect mix of everything :fire:

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Never been able to download and install it successfully, still what i never had i never miss :rofl:

Thank you!

We passed the 5K Subscribers mark!

:heart_on_fire: This is for VHTV Telegram Channel subscribers:

I’m pretty sure you can use their webversion without using the app.

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Ur welcome :hugs:

Tried that and opted to use my phone number then i had a screen message up saying they had sent me a code…By telegram :rofl:
Bit difficult to read a code on something i haven’t installed yet duhhhhhh

Then you wonder why i gave up weeks ago :rofl:

@crossmyway How do you share what’s on the telegram to here cause I just tried it and it didn’t work :thinking:
I’m using telegram on mobile

No need to advertise vhtv telegram post here :smirk: it makes it to look like some kind of show…

K got ya I don’t want to get in trouble either but it’s just :fire: content that needs to be shared on here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
That’s fine :grinning: