VHTV news feed

we should have some kind of news topic… an overview of everything that is new :slight_smile:

i also see all kind of new faces everywhere

You mean a news feed? Not a bad idea :wink:

something like that yes… :slight_smile:

perhaps hard to keep it clear from discussion but if each news post has a link to the right topic to discuss it it works…

I like the idea. But at the moment I don’t know how to do it. When it is okay for you I will move it to a separate topic and we can discuss it there?

So any idea how to do something like that? @VHTV maybe? :wink:

Franchesca Ramsey Popcorn GIF by chescaleigh

OMG! You people are fucking insane. You actually blocked a gif. Keep proving my points. Brown shirts for the troll bosses on patrol.

First you need a layout, how you imagine it all, what kind of news it should be. Has gone the second month as Ben from kazantip does not change underpants? A visitor came to Сapo in a muzzle, Crazy House is dry law and no drama for over a week.

they react to you that way and not to the gif

And what does that say about you people? Well controlled machine runs by troll bosses who insist on everything being done one way. Obey and comply or die! Weak and pitiful!

Where have you seen freedom and democracy? It is a myth.

  1. Separate topic for a community generated news feed should do it.
  2. To keep things tidy it would be better to place it into separate subcategory.
  3. Keeping it tidy might be a responsibility of certain community members who would be up to moderate it. 3.1. It is possible to set a group of users to moderate specific category without being a global moderator & without access to end users’ information.
  4. We at VHTV don’t have enough resources as for now to update such an idea. The feed may stay up-to-date as long as community would update it.
  5. Caveat: consecutive post limit will hit it hard. Assigning separate group of users as category moderators might bypass the limit, but that’s yet to be confirmed.

What do you think?

Why not something more simple as:

  1. Realm ** is closed per vacation
  2. AAA & BBB left the project
  3. Tenants CCC & DDD will move to realm ++
  4. TTT & RRR arrived to project, they will be living at realm – (with a photo of tenants)
  5. Guests PPP & YYY will be housesitting realm ~~ during tenants vacations
  6. Cams will be added in Living Room of Realm …
  7. Realm «« is offline per ISP Issues

Posts done by VHTV team in a closed topic

Not sure, but i think may be this what is asked. Some explanations of updates… As example June & Jaro abandoned their house and move to nude house 2-3 days ago and yet there is still one place with their names that is used by guests

I’ll take a timeout to forward these suggestions to VHTV teams’ responsible personnel. These changes are being sent back & forth within internal communication channels, as far as I can see time to time, so maybe there would be a way to fit feed updates into this workflow

Here, clearly. Apparently this cat jabbath has you all by the balls. What a bunch of pussies. Whatever you guys say or do about me, the truth is the truth, this forums sucks because you let trolls like him run this place. Just read what your leaders actually say. It’s almost all shit talk about the tenants and managers and even you guys, but you’re too dim to even see them laughing at you. Obey jabbath or his brown shirts will get you. If someone dares try to enjoy something they hate, they die. This forum is nothing but a figment of Jabbath’s tiny imagination? It’s his little nice dreamworld away from the real world that he can’t fit into. Probably can’t even talk to a real girl. OBEY or die! 1987 leading a bunch of dried up geezers. Amazing achievement! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Here’s a better idea, how about everyone stop acting like they are running the place and just shut up about everything beyond what is actually happening on the site. No more news, updates, things to come, excuses, explanations, catering to the snitches, and tell the tenants to just live their life on cam and stop interfering and interacting with the audience. Pretty soon you’ll be able to order sex on demand here if it keeps going this way. Oh wait, you already can. Never mind! It’s fucked behind repair. Enjoy Jabbah’s little bubbe world. Pile of :poop:!

I like this idea. Keeping it basic. Just major updates for people who were away for some time.

For some reason, everyone does not give a shit, only you are constantly bombed, Only from you a lot of shit flies in everyone, Stop throwing your shit on the ventilator

I can offer my help for refinement of news. But basically this idea sounds great.

Basically it’s aggregating in one “topic” the big part of questions that @kaya have to answer everywhere :grin:

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