VHTV Best Apartment Poll #21 (🎁 + Free Coins)

:point_right: Choose your best apartment. There are UP TO 3 possible options. Re-vote anytime. Time is limited.

:gift: We will reward those who take part into this poll by random distribution of Free VHTV Coins

:information_source: Last time we gave away more than 12 000 Free VHTV Coins!

Any Standard/Premium viewer can vote and re-vote for up to 3 apartments anytime until 2022-08-12T09:00:00Z

0 voters

  • Up to 3 apartments may be chosen.
  • You can re-vote anytime for other set of 3 until 2022-08-12T09:00:00Z
  • Only Standard & Premium subscribers are eligible to vote. Subscribe anytime before 2022-08-12T08:45:00Z to take part.
  • Participants & Studio managers are not eligible to vote. Though they can technically take part into the poll, their votes will be excluded after the Poll is over.
  • No losing apartments here, we don’t oust anybody based on these polls :slight_smile:
  • This poll contains apartments being online by the time it started. No changes to the Poll are possible.
  • Click here to see previous VHTV polls.

P.S. Are you Premium or Standard Viewer and can’t vote? Refresh the page.


May I suggest a vote for AlienGirl and Frady_Priva this time around? They just joined the VHTV community, but have shown such enthusiasm for being here I thought it would boost their confidence a little and help welcome them to the project. :heart_eyes:


And thanks @VHTV_James for the 30 coins from Poll 20! :blush:


4, 44 &45. I’m not a member just thought id say my faves at the moment

Can’t vote and refreshing doesn’t help.


only standard / premium subscribers can vote …

Refreshing never has helped watching the cams either

Alien Girl is the Best so far.


I think she is one of the best. :heart_eyes:

1 Like

Amilee,Macy Ssens

Thank you for participating in Poll #21

Please welcome to cast your vote into Poll #22: VHTV Best Apartment Poll #22 (August 2022)

Rewards Mentionables

@Johnathan148309 got 25 VHTV Coins, @dikoleko got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kelton20296 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Aiden184 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Oswaldo201678 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Coty162828 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jerald56974 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Akeem32171 got 15 VHTV Coins, @badone779 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jawbreaker got 25 VHTV Coins, @QLQ0VFHJWm got 20 VHTV Coins, @Green19158 got 15 VHTV Coins, @linkstar2018 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Santiago109092 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Gunnar62714 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Mateo204919 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Hyman135717 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Eldred166583 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Sheridan14275 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Cortez117570 got 15 VHTV Coins, @careB got 15 VHTV Coins, @JonR got 20 VHTV Coins, @Orion118731 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lawrence137935 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Gunnar96543 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Eladio187482 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Burley140458 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Logan123171 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Robbie132943 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cordelia31672 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Rowland129336 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Arda got 25 VHTV Coins, @Robbie got 25 VHTV Coins, @Coleman183504 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Keyon7366 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Tatum67843 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Amos197637 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Judson169109 got 25 VHTV Coins, @armydad48 got 15 VHTV Coins, @radiale got 30 VHTV Coins, @Victor1297 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lorenzo82174 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Emery57761 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Domenick190430 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Aidan181869 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Magister got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ted176961 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Oda203260 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alexis11827 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jeremy4998 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lincoln153837 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Franz17693 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Gordon145664 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Marquis1329 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Samson142060 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lidija got 25 VHTV Coins, @Terrance70150 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Torrance163175 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tyshawn171181 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cristobal101425 got 25 VHTV Coins, @New_Viewer2 got 20 VHTV Coins, @vmkZBywqOm got 25 VHTV Coins, @Cedrick129968 got 15 VHTV Coins, @mgmg7474 got 20 VHTV Coins, @glaesel.michael got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tizzer_Wizzer got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ambrose9762 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lonny33879 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rocky3079 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kristoffer170221 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kamryn102281 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kennith5298 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dean110628 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Abdo got 20 VHTV Coins, @Enrico70476 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Anthony198217 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Raven198999 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Stan202198 got 15 VHTV Coins, @WolfieSmith got 15 VHTV Coins, @Orval197336 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Derick181827 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ryder197700 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Robin67311 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Marc177797 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Zachery1989 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Titus166126 got 15 VHTV Coins, @stanley got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ellsworth128238 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Finn60432 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Keith198624 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kody204920 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Devonte12057 got 15 VHTV Coins, @BigJock21 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lance137066 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jaylin71251 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kelley174220 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Hotbird6996 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Deshaun185194 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Oda144942 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lee52936 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ernesto198934 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Malborocig got 15 VHTV Coins, @wild got 15 VHTV Coins, @Brady204628 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Samoan_Warewolf got 20 VHTV Coins, @benecat got 15 VHTV Coins, @Eddie89096 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Frank188930 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Oscar109562 got 15 VHTV Coins, @vLairDsKY1 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Guy77176 got 15 VHTV Coins, @KbVnceB0BG got 20 VHTV Coins, @Christop146896 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Moses178451 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Zackary202240 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Billy64777 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Larue132994 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Luciano7088 got 15 VHTV Coins, @sqsx1101 got 15 VHTV Coins, @loungermans got 20 VHTV Coins, @Stan57690 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Giovanny204130 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Layne8136 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tea-Bag got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jovany110308 got 20 VHTV Coins, @JulianInCT170821 got 20 VHTV Coins, @GaIzWue6Zi got 20 VHTV Coins, @Mateo190215 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Morton152683 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lexus127178 got 25 VHTV Coins, @marcopoll got 15 VHTV Coins, @Avatar256 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Daleys got 30 VHTV Coins, @Abdul103742 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Henderson10390 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Rashawn185933 got 25 VHTV Coins, @jabbath1987 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Marlon196012 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Sylvan15612 got 20 VHTV Coins, @WARIO got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jarvis170129 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ottis200101 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Presley127302 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Turm got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jaren10761 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Garrison183654 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Brain96761 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lane155905 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Norris9142 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Graham183814 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Deron15885 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Braeden106626 got 20 VHTV Coins, @quickie69 got 20 VHTV Coins, @niala got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jasmin124468 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Keyon181892 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Grayson136745 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gregorio184220 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Morris200225 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Stefan174325 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Russel1772 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Sofia12292 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ward127851 got 15 VHTV Coins, @shadowd42 got 30 VHTV Coins, @CmrbRBnOTa got 15 VHTV Coins, @Einar12484 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kristian175775 got 25 VHTV Coins, @xelafine got 25 VHTV Coins, @andre85 got 20 VHTV Coins, @fzn8H1odwM got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jonathon203919 got 15 VHTV Coins, @bayou220 got 20 VHTV Coins, @maxitoro300 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Noldus got 20 VHTV Coins, @Hilton24053 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kayleigh67620 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Nathanael183455 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alexis153595 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cornelius418 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Emmet34506 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Destin107108 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Max72997 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Robaust111 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Garland3882 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Bernie31616 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Markus91407 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jason200608 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Garry18117 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Mack161455 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Roger12708 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Guido181910 got 15 VHTV Coins, @maiky got 15 VHTV Coins, @Johnny79066 got 30 VHTV Coins, @CamPunk got 30 VHTV Coins, @Harold188788 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Moises17265 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Orland50711 got 30 VHTV Coins, @leo59dav got 15 VHTV Coins, @Fred89460 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Newton31418 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Domenico114915 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rasheed89082 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Bryon1448 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kennedi57751 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jayzee52 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lemuel4186 got 20 VHTV Coins, @JeVeuxVoirTout got 25 VHTV Coins, @eccentric_arcanist got 15 VHTV Coins, @rr6W1aPpEa got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jaylan129347 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kamilolu12345 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Heisenberg got 15 VHTV Coins, @Aomega001 got 25 VHTV Coins, @derda010154 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Robs2611 got 15 VHTV Coins, @erichp got 30 VHTV Coins, @Hiramitsuki got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jack got 20 VHTV Coins, @Scot70059 got 25 VHTV Coins, @FanRealCams_Cal got 15 VHTV Coins, @Bailey163978 got 25 VHTV Coins, @je-moeder_0546 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Ray53458 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Javonte95346 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Mckenzie182682 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Douglas124425 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ben70932 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Willis57404 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Damion69221 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Felipe167668 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Mike43288 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Jessie44107 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Francis98460 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jerrold5031 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Camden191715 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jayce51030 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Reid15925 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Domenic127403 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Coleman4769 got 15 VHTV Coins, @MrDerp got 15 VHTV Coins, @Franz4991 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Lance196616 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Gruefu got 15 VHTV Coins, @Eldred88221 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lindsey2037 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Alexys170398 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lindsey174299 got 15 VHTV Coins, @RUBBERMAN got 30 VHTV Coins, @Reginald117776 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Sammy83218 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Arjun117395 got 25 VHTV Coins, @alexingman1234518 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Hermann62846 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Torrance10400 got 20 VHTV Coins, @budman0 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Garry153422 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gordon132954 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Darrell160136 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Florencio148137 got 20 VHTV Coins, @jen.92377 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Joseph16907 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Andy204256 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Judah7600 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Hal168 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Carmine109435 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Golden52504 got 20 VHTV Coins, @vKxnGbOhKH got 15 VHTV Coins, @Reilly163117 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Terrill65742 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Boris_J_46 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Mikel2500 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Borbora got 15 VHTV Coins, @Johan184394 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Phoenixx got 25 VHTV Coins, @Moises190248 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Ulices139611 got 25 VHTV Coins, @othertip0 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Bewanda44 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cigardaddy got 15 VHTV Coins, @Trever7351 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Devonte82264 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kelley8101 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Sonny146593 got 20 VHTV Coins, @zeno66 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Quentin90094 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lucky7 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Elton10902 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Brando48559 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Richard9504 got 25 VHTV Coins, @ecussong got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kristoffer4930 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Irving2788 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Hester79340 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gus48621 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Abel131567 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Henri197404 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Santos185648 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Tyree199482 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jeff46966 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Ola120895 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dusty120101 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Reggie17156 got 20 VHTV Coins, @ALGECIRAS got 20 VHTV Coins, @Solon135122 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Raleigh40085 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jace175500 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Denis56371 got 25 VHTV Coins, @FastFreedriver got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kirk112002 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Arturo109746 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Keshawn131801 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rolando1138 got 15 VHTV Coins, @chrd12345 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Mohrchi got 15 VHTV Coins, @Darryl145597 got 15 VHTV Coins, @London154158 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Anthony174341 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Meikel309 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kamren196453 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Rusty110492 got 15 VHTV Coins, @scream808 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Arely204404 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Demario181661 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Donato161 got 20 VHTV Coins, @zsoli_77 got 25 VHTV Coins, @OD6FKylEog got 20 VHTV Coins, @Hudson185836 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Davon198013 got 20 VHTV Coins, @iain got 15 VHTV Coins, @Walter59142 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kacey132594 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kristoffer24346 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Donavon98765 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Louie200883 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Blueisthewarmest got 20 VHTV Coins, @Isaiah90060 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Wilbert202217 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Lionel200374 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Brannon319 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Loy11326 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Damien167625 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Stoplight got 30 VHTV Coins, @John78 got 15 VHTV Coins, @JamesDeen23 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Bret158549 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Darthshay got 25 VHTV Coins, @Domenick164675 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Gaetano14966 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Juston63633 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Arne36072 got 25 VHTV Coins, @TenXRing got 20 VHTV Coins, @William190993 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Darius178736 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Clyde138476 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Devante57467 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lefty got 20 VHTV Coins, @Augustus4466 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tyshawn2739 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Omer191920 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Owen100399 got 20 VHTV Coins, @August112880 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jett191736 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cedrick152720 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Jaime145965 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Keyon12387 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lawson191206 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Alex3085 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Stash got 30 VHTV Coins, @Alexys12774 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Barry98798 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Guyle37666 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Karl151819 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Showmego got 30 VHTV Coins, @Alejandrin23468 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Earnest98078 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Freddie19384 got 30 VHTV Coins, @javitto21 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Burley167106 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Earnest24028 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Curt101 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Stef69_Canada got 15 VHTV Coins, @Maximo189155 got 30 VHTV Coins, @niham got 30 VHTV Coins, @Alexie14256 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Russel175583 got 15 VHTV Coins, @R92tefVu2D got 20 VHTV Coins, @hibs1875 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Haskell33393 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Elwin85323 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Luketto got 15 VHTV Coins, @Disneykid got 15 VHTV Coins, @Issac16311 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Torrey108408 got 25 VHTV Coins, @maglew got 20 VHTV Coins, @Davidoff got 15 VHTV Coins, @Trevion96988 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Tyree17343 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Trace203348 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Victor35071 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Otis98184 got 20 VHTV Coins, @lun got 25 VHTV Coins, @Kade181727 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Dunmail got 30 VHTV Coins, @Buck203823 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Neil116682 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Guy123217 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Leo200584 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Monro got 25 VHTV Coins, @Isai7642 got 20 VHTV Coins, @West_California got 15 VHTV Coins, @Bandaids got 30 VHTV Coins, @Enrico201155 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cletus65988 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Brendon6399 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Domenick50333 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Timmy190688 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Connor159982 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Sherri got 20 VHTV Coins, @Stephon6336 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Thunder70 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Ford149371 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Paolo got 30 VHTV Coins, @Lorenz166500 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Himitsu got 20 VHTV Coins, @Camron171806 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kyleigh186874 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Saige126275 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Handsdown got 20 VHTV Coins, @McXer25 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Taurean55659 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Erwin84597 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Enos137002 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Republic_of_Texas got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jarret189987 got 25 VHTV Coins, @LarryLujack got 15 VHTV Coins, @Bluewinner got 30 VHTV Coins, @Vance200828 got 20 VHTV Coins, @PPark got 25 VHTV Coins, @Tanner161504 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Sofia101012 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Vidal130851 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kirk196626 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Darren187986 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Garry71169 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Edd5512 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Olin89259 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Hubert96601 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Dejon8267 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Slada got 15 VHTV Coins, @Cyril179961 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Furman190234 got 15 VHTV Coins, @lampre77 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Randal100691 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Kitman got 20 VHTV Coins, @Andy31472 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Garrett42944 got 15 VHTV Coins, @NotSeth got 15 VHTV Coins, @Buford115273 got 15 VHTV Coins, @lurker got 20 VHTV Coins, @Nicola116042 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Jaydon52468 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Gonzalo202091 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Kacey167966 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Lucious119423 got 15 VHTV Coins, @ToonZender got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jasper202115 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Adrien223 got 30 VHTV Coins, @Rain got 15 VHTV Coins, @Berry131742 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Adolph44101 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Eros got 15 VHTV Coins, @Friedrich46579 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Durward9336 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Berry28597 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Broderick197008 got 20 VHTV Coins, @ed2 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Kody193285 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Clifton1882 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Whistle2001 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Jarod528 got 15 VHTV Coins, @Devil44 got 20 VHTV Coins, @Aric168554 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Herman3380 got 15 VHTV Coins, @O3fjFkvO6R got 25 VHTV Coins, @Hailey110786 got 25 VHTV Coins, @Benjamin196871 got 15 VHTV Coins


Wow this time first place was very clear. :+1::+1:

1 Like

Been away a few days to take care of myself and take care of personal business - catching up tonight, and very appreciative of the 30 more coins from Poll 21! Thanks! :blush: :blush: :blush:

Well, three interesting pieces of news - Rufina is back with Will; Teresa has rejoined the project along with Goldie, who has had the baby she was pregnant with when last we saw her; and - I never thought I’d see this - Candy Red has left the project! :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

1 Like

Thank you for the coins, these and the others from previous polls have been passed on to an apartment tonight.

tank youfor the coins

Thenk you for the 15 coins