VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Engineer, this is a real Lampre.
Even Google fools you. :rofl: :rofl:

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Run Away GIF

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These city people have so much to learn. :rofl:

I am not from the city but also do not live in the deep sea. The scariest thing we have here are Nosferatu spiders :joy::joy:

Lamprey is not scary, she it is very good with rice, you have to come to Galicia to try it.

@John78 can you stop putting negative reactions and laughing emojis to all my posts please especially since you complained to kaya about notseth and torey doing the same thing to you

I am sorry James. I havenā€™t complained about any reactions. You and the ones you mentioned championed doing this since long time. I donā€™t care about them, i live with them, so you should do the same.

i personally donā€™t care but you complained to kaya about notseth and got the amount of reactions he can use a day limited and also you played a part in getting the faceplam reaction removed.

Dudeā€¦ stop lying (i know i know, quite difficult for someone like you) . There are already enough trolls around
I donā€™t like flora and quite ignore her a lot of times :rofl: :rofl: And in case you keep crying and behaving like the undertaker just to show your love for me and flora i also donā€™t watch any of her camshows
Quite hilarious watching who support your posts and what was said about you. Guess agenda and needs makes people shows their skin Power demands sacrifices :rofl: :rofl:

(Hope you donā€™t threat again because i finally gave you 5 seconds of attention like the last time)

Cat Goodbye GIF

When will you understand that it wasnā€™t me the one complaining about that???

Please stop with this non sense and not true accusations

Oh really?? So is this a photoshop then? :thinking:

I hope you get suspended for this. Joking about someones mental health, especially when it comes to suicide is not acceptable at all and definitely breaks VHTVā€™s ToS.


If you read carefully, you will see that i have only asked if that kind of behaviour like yours, is acceptable, normal or respectful to other forum members. The answer was that it is not (any of the above 3). Happy ?

Well I do not agree with most of his comments and he should not get offended for people writing against him but mocking him about suicide goes way too far.

Well, you never got suspended, even if youā€™re the one mocking and pushing away from the forum a record number of members. Why should Sparkles be suspended for mentioning something that James was threatening Vhtv that he will do if he doesnā€™t get his account and the possibility to comment on the forum back ?

Yes, I agree. Arguing is fine even though it may be unpleasant for a lot of viewers to read. However, wishing suicide on another user mocking or not should not be permitted.

I will give you the benefit of doubt @John78 and assume you put the wrong reaction to this post because if you think what sparkles wrote is acceptable then you deserve to join them on the suspension list

Edit: never mind seen it wasnā€™t a mistake as Iā€™ve just seen your posts while I was writing this one

What truths are you trying to bend in your favor now? My comment to use was about you saying you never made a complaint about another user making emoji reactions towards youā€¦

I will humor you somewhat though. An emoji reaction should not be put on the same level as mocking another forum member over mental illness and suicideā€¦

And i never did. I only asked a questionā€¦read again my post.

P.S. I hope you thanked to your not so SHY buddy for giving you infos from the Heroes Chat topic where you donā€™t have access. (Also not at the time when i made that comment)

Maybe Kaya will also tell us if thatā€™s acceptable.

Well coming from you and knowing what you know thatā€™s a totally new low (yes, seems itā€™s still possible)
You know what i said, why i said it, what was the episode, what you agree in that, what you highly laugh about it and joke how ridiculous he was and what i meant in my postā€¦ and yet you support that to keep your personal targeting and look good to othersā€¦
Quite curious i will say