VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Not to mention that not a single doom and gloom climate change catastrophe predicted in the last 5 decades, hell, last century has come to fruition, not one. Coastal cities in the U.S. should have been underwater for 10 years or more now, small island nations wiped off the face of the earth. Nothing has happened. Man made climate change is nothing more than a power and money grab that the most gullible and misinformed lap up like good little sheep.

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Well believe it or not electric cars do actually moveā€¦ The next time you check there might be 3 electric cars or even 8! :scream: :red_car: :zap:

Evs suck right now unless your only city driving to go anywhere or pull anything they suck bad

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I have a very simple solution, donā€™t buy this electric crap, they just arenā€™t fit for purpose yet.
Go buy a petrol or Diesel.

Indeed it is the same in our country too really. The charging station long range width is far from properly dimensioned for adequate use yet in Norway. The only thing you can say is adequate for use is Hybrids without charger as it stands now. :hugs:

Yep,if I was buying one now it would be a full Hybrid, no charging worries and you get the best of both worlds.

Yes, No doubt about it. I fully agree with you, pal. :hugs:

But still b___dy expensive :joy:

B___dy expensive, yes. A sad fact really. :hugs:

But you still have the issue of expensive battery replacement in 8-10 years.

Can imagine a full electric car in the winter, what with freezing temperatures,windscreen wipers and heater going you may be lucky reaching the end of your street :wink: :joy::joy::joy:

Donā€™t think they are as big or expensive as a full electric vehicle as you are only looking at around 35 odd miles use on electric power which would normally be just town use.
Out on the open road the engine would kick in and then start charging the battery.

Why does everybody have to be so b___dy confrontational.?
Carlos has as much right to his opinion as does everybody else, if you donā€™t like his posts then donā€™t b___dy read them or put him on ignore.
End of rant.

You are right, he does have an right to an opinion on the forum, what he doesnā€™t have a right to do is continually try to tell what the participants & guests should do in their own apartments

Iā€™m just giving my opinion, Iā€™m not a manager, so I can never say what residents should do, some moderators also donā€™t have the right to persecute, humiliate, and personally disregard anyone who thinks differently, Iā€™ve never confronted anyone for their opinions

You are trying to encourage the participants & guests to change their behavior and things they do by being very critical when they donā€™t do things to your liking

For once Thatā€™s something that we can agree on

I just give my opinion, because this is, or should be, a place free of opinions, you always say things that I donā€™t like, and I donā€™t agree, and I have never, ever confronted anyone, even if they donā€™t respect me, I do. other peopleā€™s opinions, so I never confronted anyone

If I donā€™t like something I say it, like others say their opinions, and I donā€™t say anything


Unless you have actual proof then you are making unjustified accusations, you really think people canā€™t copy words :joy::joy:

(Ive posted my comment here just to save someone time and effort moving it themselves)

It seems that you also need to grow upā€¦ :roll_eyes: