VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

They are not known to be cheap at all. So I am not surprised about that. Mini always was a kind of lifestyle vehicle.

They certainly were not many years ago but so many people these days seems to be obsessed with status and getting the latest in thing.
Even i had a Mini (petrol of course lol) in my youth but could certainly not be able to afford one these days.
And i am not that bad off money wise, own my own house and all that bollocks but could certainly not be able to afford an electric car these days.

Just have a look on the Autotrader Rob. If youā€™re after a new one, MG are selling one of the best EVā€™s on the market at the moment and itā€™s only 26k new. For the SH ones, Teslaā€™s for example, are now at 25-26k for 2-3 years old Model 3 with low mileage

Maybe so but even Ā£26k would be out of range of the majority of people and as far as a Tesla, at 3yrs old for that sort of price, well, says it all really.
Probably low mileage because you canā€™t use them then that far :joy:. sorry my little joke.
The only reason MGā€™s are that low is that the chinese are heavily subsidising them in order to sell the dam things.
So Ā£26k is a bargain is it, maybe it is but even that is out of range of most normal people.
Will leave the future up to you young bucks :joy:

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Well, to say something in general about electric cars in Norway. For example the use of Teslas is quite popular at least today. The reason for that is that the state is generously sponsoring the use of such cars by kindly adding funds. The reason for that again is to make them socalled cheaper to generate the use, because the cars are more environmental friendly. My general impression is that the popularity of such cars is going a little bit down now compared to let us say 8 to 10 years ago. This is the most sensible I can say. :hugs: :slight_smile:

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But generally I agree with the view that so many people at least in todays socalled modern society seems to be almost extremely obsessed with getting the newest and latest in things and such. Nothing seems to be good enough in general with the the things people already own in the first place and to be happy with that. That is in my view a very raw and a very ugly tendancy in todays norwegian society that I don`t like at all. I am actually doing everything I possibly can to go against that tendancy as much as I am able to do. :hugs: :slight_smile:

You just about prove my point about electric cars being expensive if your government has to subsidise them so people are able to afford them.
Even those sold in the UK, i bet not many are owned without them having the money on a big loan or are on lease.

That point i whole heartedly agree with you, so many people these days moan about the cost of living etc etc but they all still have their big screen TVā€™s and their mobile phones for every member of the family plus their computers, laptops and tablets whilst still having holidays and banging out kids :joy:
And even then most things are probably bought on monthly repayments and credit cards no doubt.
Everyone these days wants everything right away and canā€™t be bothered to save up for things anymore.
Everyone seems to want to keep up or out do everybody else.
In other words they are never satisfied.
Suppose we were much the same but everything now seems to be far more intensified.
I havenā€™t used my credit card in years, debit card yes as no one hardly uses cash these days.
I often struggle to find change for parking these days as i hardly have much cash on me, much easier to flash the debit card. Not long ago most shops would only accept a debit card for purchases over a certain amount but even that seems to have disappeared now.
You can even pay for parking now with an app on a b___dy mobile phone :joy:
In a way i fear for my grandc___dren in the future but no doubt they will cope as they will know nothing different whatever that my be.

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This is called evolution Rob, always happened and will always be :slightly_smiling_face:

I can only say that I whole heartedly agree with everything of what you are pointing out here. I just can say amen to that. For example the use of credit cards are not stately regulated in Norway at all. It is absolutely free float. Every individual in Norway can basically take up as many credit card deals they possibly want in their own name. 50 for that matter to only mention a number. That is the worst economically related element in Norway today in my opinion. But this is only my opinion alone. I have to say that. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Maybe so but will give you the pleasure of evoluting iā€™m happy as i am thanks at my own speed. :joy:
Have given up now working and supporting so many of the lazy fuckers.
Will hand that role over to you pal :joy:

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Apparently no one thinks about where all the electricity would come from if everyone suddenly drove electric cars.
Itā€™s the same with the goddamn heat pump heaters.

Oh yes, in that case we can of course build more coal and gas power plants to produce electricity.
Nuclear power plants are now frowned upon in Germany. But of course we could import nuclear power from France. :crazy_face:

The main thing is that car manufacturers can sell their overpriced rolling batteriesā€¦

Yeah and Germany are building more coal fired power stations whereas most countries are trying to get rid of them to help the so called climate change and atmosphere. Good eh :joy:

Tesla has a solution for those with range anxiety :wink:

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In the US you get $7,500 rebate for a new electric car or 30% rebate for a second hand electric car with a maximum vehicle value of $25,000

Sure, itā€™s similar in Germany. But who pays this discount?
Ultimately itā€™s the taxpayer, regardless of whether they buy an electric car or not.

I agree, itā€™s government grants so yes you are correct in saying itā€™s the taxpayers, Iā€™ve only ever had a Tesla because it was company issued, I prefer gas vehicles personally

With the prices even of gas cars, they are also unaffordable for many. :canada:

Thereā€™s a lot of bollocks talked about ā€˜climate changeā€™, and the blame is placed on ā€˜carbon emissionsā€™. Nobody seems to want to mention that the sun has ā€˜warmed upā€™ over the past 100 years or so, and it does this on a regular cycle, as well as ā€˜cooling downā€™ on a regular cycle too! That is why we had ice ages in the past !!
But I guess some idiot will say we only had ice ages because we werenā€™t using cars back then :rofl:

Yeah but how did it warm up from the ice age, there were no humans about then or cars :rofl:
Just nature iā€™m afraid and the planetary cycles thereā€™s nothing you can do about it or stop it, it happens, get used to it.
We may even go back to an ice age some day so get yer thermals out :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: