VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

we have two :slight_smile: In this country, more electric cars are sold than petrol/diesel now. There is a very well developed charging network. There are also greatly reduced tax and at the start there was free parking, toll rings, ferries and it’s possible to drive in the public transport lanes.

I had a road trip south to Austria, Switzerland and Italy this summer and drove over many alpine passes. Good with chargers all the way 4000 km without problems

Well many people forget to look at the fact how good petrol powered cars were when they were around the same time as electric cars right now. Let’s say electric cars are around now in bigger numbers for 10 years now we have to look at the range of petrol cars in the early 1920s… :wink:

Nobody i know can afford an electric car even if they would like one.
Absolutely ridiculous prices. :joy:

Wow many people could effort a petrol powered car in the 1920s? Less than people affording an electric car by now.

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Well we ain’t living in the 1920’s now just no comparision.
They were still using horse and carts then :joy: :joy: :joy:

What I am saying the time electric cars had for getting cheaper and more common is similar to the time petrol cars had til the 1920s. Just wait 5 years and each electric car will be better and same priced as any petrol car. The development is much faster there.

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Will believe it when i see it :joy:
You can buy a decent second hand car now for what the batteries cost for an electric car :joy:
Every year now the electric car is getting more and more expensive.
Too many people are trying to run before they can walk right now :joy:

Totally wrong. In fact they are getting cheaper and battery capacity and charging time is improving each year.

They may be in your fairy land but they certainly ain’t in the UK :joy:

I can speak for EU and US. This is for US:

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This rush for zero emissions is costing everyone 1000’s.
Even if the UK were at zero emissions now we would only account for less then 1% worldwide while China and India are even building more coal fired power stations like Germany are apparently.

I do not talk about zero emissions. This is a whole different topic. I do not believe in that rapid process too. The EU (and the UK) can’t save the world here. I was only talking about electric cars.

Yes but isn’t that the whole point of electric cars to reduce carbon emissions or am i talking a load of bollocks? :roll_eyes: :joy:
I have been known to so i have heard :joy:

The main reason is to reduce carbon emissions in the cities which EVs will achieve without a doubt.

In fact, they are a lot cheaper in the UK as well. Almost all my working colleagues who changed their cars, got an electric one, and all are extremely happy with them.

Even on the street were i live, in the 3 weeks i was gone on holiday, 5 electric cars appeared.

I observe the same here in Germany. Especially in the cities a lot of them to be seen.

Maybe but at what cost, most people just can’t afford them.
So the cities are our saviours are they? Try telling that to the average man in the street.
The whole point about electric cars is to reduce carbon emissions together with phasing out of gas and oil boilers etc etc.
All to do with the controversial subject of climate change etc etc which in my opinion you will never stop and humans will never defeat nature.
Yes another subject, but all linked to the same subject.
If the planet wants to heat up or cool down it will, as it has done for millions of years and no politician or anybody will stop it.

Most people who have electric cars in my view are either company supplied or supplied to those on benefits. ie subsidised.
Even a b___dy Mini in the UK is around the £35k mark, around 40k euro’s,who the hell can afford that.?

You reckon, i would like to know where? :joy:

We are one a transition from petrol cars to EVs at the moment. Wait five years and things will look a lot better. Right now nobody is f___ed to buy or drive an EV.

No you got that wrong. The EVs will be the the kind of saviors of the city struggling with high pollution.

This is a very complicated topic and for some buildings that makes sense while it is totally nonsense for others

Well I do not deny the men made amount of carbon dioxide is heating the earth. Because this is just a physical process nobody can deny. CO² is a greenhouse gas.

It is right that there always periods of hotter or cooler periods on earth. But it is evident that mankind adds to that even more.