VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

TalkTalk are “Violet-Eilizabeth” - When they’re are good, they are very,very good, but when they’re bad, they are f%%king awful!

The vast majority of the tech problems are down to afore-mentioned infrastructure which of course they can do nothing about as it is maintained by a monopoly

The worst complaints i often read about is if you want to cancel with Virgin as it seems to be almost an impossibility, without spending hours on the b___dy phone :joy:

I am definitely one of them :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

TIM landline 24.90 euros per month unlimited calls to all numbers…(if you live in big cities by paying a little more you get a speed of 10gb download and 2gb upload)

Think you may have left some zero’s off there somewhere :joy:

May have to apologise @andre85, getting my gb & mb confused :wink:

I understand that scottish and irish speaking local dialects are very hard to understand even for more regular english speakers? Is that correct? :joy: :slight_smile:

Yes that is correct but even worse is the accent.
If they have a very strong accent it is almost impossible to understand them even if they are speaking english. :joy:
Very much the same for the welsh accent and many regional accents in the UK.

I understand what you are saying perfectly. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Maybe next time you should use text to speech. :hugs:

That makes sense since the average income in Romania is roughly a little over 800 Euros isn’t it?

Here is an interesting topic of conversation for you…

Mobile touchscreen phones have been banned from being used at all when driving a car in the UK, or even when stationary, for road safety reasons which is fair enough and quite admirable.

Then what happens, motor manufacturers produce electric cars with all their main functions operated by, yes you guessed it, a b___dy big touchscreen at least 4/5 times the size of a mobile phone plonked right in front of the driver . Yet these are quite legal to use when driving. Try and explain to me the logic of that for gods sake or is it just my warped mind 😉.

A very good and valid point robwin.

Are they legal to use while driving? I thought you had to use buttons on the steering wheel to operate things while driving

No law against it, even the heating controls etc are all on the touchscreen as are the radio, sat nav and everything else. Some have kept the heating controls as manual knobs but not many.
Even those on the steering wheel you often have to look down to see which ones you are pressing. :joy:
Basically you cant use an electric car without some use of the touchscreen.

My son in law has a company car which is electric and it’s like sitting in an aeroplane cock pit and the bright colours are almost dazzling especially at night.

I didn’t realize that it was legal but the only electric car I’ve only ever drove was a Tesla and it has buttons for the media, it also has a voice recognition button so no real need to touch the screen while driving but I do agree the rules are not logical

To be honest i don’t know anybody who could afford to buy an electric car, they are ridiculous prices and most of the ranges are crap.
Almost impossible in my opinion to go on a long drive considering you have to return home as well :joy:
Even a b___dy electric Mini is around £35k or so, who can afford that.
I bet most of them on the roads are either on huge loans or leased and the seond hand values seem to be plunging like a bottomless pit.
Must be the easiest way of losing £1000’s.

About 30 years ago, as part of my job, I had to drive from Manchester to Redruth in Cornwall on a Friday. Do some ‘work’ (about 1 hour). Then drive back to Manchester to pick up my girlfriend, and then drive down to Stone in Staffordshire, as we were going away for the weekend. A total of 750 miles (1200 km) in 18 hours. Refuel once (about 5 minutes). Can’t see anyone doing that in an electric car… it takes far too long to recharge and they have a crap range even on a full charge !! :laughing:

Exactly. Who in their right mind is going to spend any type of money on a 5 -7 year old EV knowing within a couple of years you’ll be spending 20k or more to replace the batteries. Second hand value will be crap leaving the original owner with hardly anything to put down on a new one.

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Nobody with any sense would buy an electric car right now it’s just not practal moneywise.