VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Yeah often wondered but we certainly are ripped off i must admit.
I wouldn’t mind a bit faster speed but not possible in our road yet but i am paying around £30 a month but that includes the landline as well. I’m with TalkTalk.
Loads of cable laying in our area lately they must be preparing for the landline cut off in a year or so’s time as all calls will then only be over the internet, ie VOIP

on my laptop ( WiFi)

when i use ethernet it is 1000mb up and download
70 € a month including 125 TV channels
without TV it would cost 40€

This is what you get in Romania for 7 pounds/ month :slightly_smiling_face:

Ironic that what we consider “poor” countries can do that! Part of the issue of course in the UK is all the 50+ year old infrastructure that OpenReach have to maintain, whereas some places have the latest technology from the outset.

Yes, the old infrastructure is one of the problems here in the UK. I have Virgin, it is a better and faster, but the price is simply eye watering (70 pounds/month) :joy: :joy:

It’s really the economy along with what the companies know they will get away with as well charging people for the service

The country Where I’m from the price for a similar service to the country I’m currently living in is half the price but the standard salary is also half what I’m getting now, so yes I could say it’s cheaper in my home country if I wanted to based on what I’m earning in the country I’m currently in but realistically it’s the same price as it would still take the same percentage of my wages to have

£27 a month for 140Mbps here (not TV or anything)

I also don’t have TV or anything else. That price is also for Virgin?

Oh, i haven’t mentioned that i am out of the first 18 months promotional offer

Hier in Belgie telenet bij mij thuis .
142 € / maand
Inbegrepen : Full internet
: 2 x TV met sportzenders
: 2 x GSM

You need to call them and tell them you are going to cancel your contract unless they give you a better deal. I do that every time my promotional period ends. ATM I am paying £31 a month for 250MB Fiber.

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You are right, that’s what i need to do. Thanks for the advice :hugs:

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The trouble so far in the UK is you can only get what the current infrastructure will allow, but work is going on to install more full fibre around the country.
For the top speeds one obviously needs full fibre to the home NOT just fibre to the cabinet which is what the majority is right now unless you live in a big town or city.

Yes, that’s very true. and in most areas Virgin Media is the only option if you want Fiber broadband.

Yes, Virgin. Takes time on the phone to talk to “retentions” though which is so frustrating. I use Chat as I just lose my temper on the phone taking to non-native English speakers. Make sure you get a transcript of whatever they tell you

Helps that I used to do the job they do, but with TalkTalk, so know trigger points etc.!!

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Very true but Virgin just isn’t available in our country bumpkin area lol.
Your speed of 250MB is more than adequate for anything you want to do.
My speed is around 30MB which is adequate for my needs at this moment as i can stream anything with no problem to PC or tele or even VH :joy:.
Yes i would like to have it a bit faster if only to brag about it lol but for my needs is quite adequate.
For the majority of users the high speeds are completely unnecessary and a waste of money.

You will have the laugh of your life if you see me (non-native English speaker) talking with one of them guys. Took me 1h26 minutes with the Three customer service for a phone contract upgrade :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Been with TalkTalk for years now and never had any real problems with them, you often read some have had problems but so do other suppliers with some users.
Funnily the one supplier i hear most moaning about is Virgin :joy:
Suppose you pays your money and takes your choice :joy:

In my experience , Virgin Media’s customer service employees are either Scottish or Irish. However one may still class them as " non-native English speakers". :laughing:

Could you ever have a worse combination? :joy: :joy: :joy:

That is why I use Chat wherever possible! Most have the facility, but it can be well hidden!