VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Apparently there’s a lot of work waiting for @kaya


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I went into some advanced settings for the keyboard after a little bit of this and that eventually. And did it in there. Now it is done actually. I have fixed it according to my own wishes. Did not need a c___d to do it. :hugs: :joy: :slight_smile:

Glad to hear! Of course we are not totally useless, even though we may not be quite up to date with the latest all the time. Now I suspect this might be an answer to Gollom, but what the heck :joy:

Anyways, try beating a c___d on Playstation. That’s another story :laughing:

I have actually beaten the crap out of a c___d at a game on playstation. But that does not apply to every game on Playstation. I have to say that. :joy: :hugs: :slight_smile:

It is a little bit c___dish to say this. But to celebrate that I did it myself without help I went in and wrote in a SMS: God damn Hell Yes I did it all by myself. Of course I wrote it in norwegian in the first place. I just needed to say that. :slight_smile: :hugs:

It may not be as bad as in the UK… where English is understood everywhere, but in Edinburgh the language is different to that in London.

Similarly in Germany, there is a “High” German which everyone knows more or less and local languages. Someone from Kiel and someone from Stuttgart won’t understand each other if they both stay 100% in their “local” language.

…and since Grayce said somewhere he’s from Austria, all we need is a Swiss to get the rest of the world confused. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

die sogenannte “D A CH” - Region … (die Leerzeichen waren bewusst, da es sonst falsch übersetzt wird) :joy: :rofl:

In English, there is a name for the region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, with their country abbreviations.

D = Germany
A = Austria
CH = Switzerland

Thanks for that Max, yes i did wonder if there were regional variations.
i mean many of us UK southerners struggle with some of our real northerners lol, especially scots, geordies and scousers, like a b___dy foreign land up there. :joy:
Then again if you meet a real Somerset or Devon git you often struggle :joy:
Won’t mention the Cornish lol.
Even with some of our TV series i have to put the b___dy sub titles on to completely follow it :joy:

In Switzerland they speak at least four different official languages. So there you go. :hugs: :slight_smile:

It would be really nice if you either wrote something about the topic here, or continued the conversation here:


and not to mention the Aussies ay mate, and Canadians. :rofl: :rofl:

You miserable bugger, a little variation never hurt anybody :joy:

How do I post here without losing the context in the original discussion please? I seem to remember there is a way of doing it @jabbath1987 ?

The original discussion was actually Trisha.
But then it digressed and was primarily about Tyrese’s outdated smartphone and how to deactivate the autotext on it.

Today it was obviously about the various dialects in various European countries…

So if you’re looking for context about Trisha, go to the topic…
For everything else, you’ve come to the right place. :wink: :sweat_smile:

Ta - didn’t explain myself properly. How do I reply to something off-topic in (for example) Trisha’s group and make it appear in the off-topic group? Oherwise it may not make sense what the reply is on about

I vaguely remember this coming up before and that there was a way to do it?

I like variation in different themes and so on. So that is no major issue for me. If I am not interested in the first place I just get out or scroll past it. No problem. :slight_smile: :hugs:

You can click on the two rings at the bottom of the post you want to reply to grafik, mark the link that appears and copy it.
Then you go to this topic, click on “reply” and paste the link into your answer. Then you can simply reply to it as you would to a quot.

do any of you know of a free mobile app that automatically translates any post into Italian? thanks to all…

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If you find one, please let the rest of us know what it is. Thanks.