VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

I had to put in an extra push to make the last phrase basically visible. That is cool. :heart_eyes:


Lool that was a good one :joy::joy:


Good luck @Jarrett241083 Iā€™m going to miss ur pics I enjoy ur posts :hugs:


I use it when I donā€™t want things to be immediately known, like the punchline to a joke. You just have to click it or tap it to reveal it.


Thanks. I was hoping @David might see it. He likes a good play on words.


I have only JUST seen this but it was funny. As you rightly said, the kind of thing I can and often do appreciate. :slight_smile:


Be careful what you wish. On this forum youā€™re not allowed to express your thoughts. Donā€™t mention ā€˜Amelieā€™ or youā€™ll be in trouble. Iā€™m new as well and I realized thereā€™s Musk family infiltrated here. Viva censorship!


Youā€™re absolutely right, my friend. Censorship is alive and well on here!

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Are you two going to spread conspiracy theories here too now? :roll_eyes: :angry:


if you dont like the rules of the forum ,you can always leave .even i have been reeled in on more than one occasion for crossing the line , and im one stubborn old fuker who hates authority, but have learned to accept the rules of VHTV and abide by them , and believe it or not its not that hard and the community actually converse more with me ,which is one of the reasons i joined this forum .i know us outspoken guys dont like to be told what we can and cant do , but remember arguing a point face to face is a genuine debate , but doing it online is just being a keyboard ninja


Ok, I get it. You guys (not all) want to be sheep, followers, thats okā€¦for you. I refuse to lean my head down. For me was enough 45 years of communism being afraid to step out of line. Im not gonno bend over. Stupid rules. As long as I didnt denigrate anybody, being rude or disrespectful, Iā€™m not gonno follow ur rules. Be sheeps, donā€™t think, close eyes, tape ur mouths.

Oh dearā€¦ Cry me a riverā€¦ Rules are still rulesā€¦ Their house, their rulesā€¦


Rules are rules in the end. We have to obey them to some extent. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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If I do not like the rules, then I do have the option of laying an eventual comment to rest and just leave it at that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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you can do what you like but in this forum there are rules whether you like it or notā€¦from what you write I can see that you donā€™t like them then leave the forumā€¦


You seem like a very angry individual. Possibly 45 years of suppression did that, IDK. I certainly wouldnā€™t like it either.

But, youā€™re in a different place now. Even though there is no communist suppression, there are still rules for probably every type of situation you can think of. There are traffic rules (laws), stand behind the yellow line in the subway, donā€™t fart in an elevator, etc. The list goes on forever. Like it or not, youā€™re most probably following someone elseā€™s rules all the time.

In this situation, I think you have three choices.

  • You can abide by the rules of the forum, and continue to post here with the rest of us.
  • You can leave the forum in protest of the rules.
  • Or, you can continue to post as youā€™ve been posting and possibly find yourself unable to post anything for a period of time, or even worse.

he seems to have joined the forum to criticiseā€¦ :man_shrugging:


Seems to be a real nitplocker. There is a few of them hanging around. :revolving_hearts:


:hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: