VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

In België 11,30 € voor 25 sigaretten

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That is also the reason why the customs officers check Polish trucks carefully at the border :slight_smile:
CUSTOMS SCANNER: The images from the customs scan showed that there were more than ordinary goods the truck was trying to get into Norway. 4 million cigarettes were hidden in the cargo.



Wow, that’s one way to get people to stop smoking. Did it work very well?

The prices are similar or even higher here in UK, but people still smoke. The “dark market” is working wonders and nobody seems to care. You find cigarettes or rolling tobacco brought from other countries in almost every corner shop :laughing:

If you smoke, don’t move to Australia!

Although not listed, New Zealand comes in 2nd at US$22 per pack of 20 cigarettes.

On the other hand, the cost of a pack of cigarettes in Turkey is just slightly more than the cost of one cigarette in Australia!

Had to post this link to be in compliance with their licensing regulations.

(Licensees are obligated to identify Statista as the author of all licensed material and are furthermore permitted to use only a visually unaltered (i.e. unmodified) version of the original design.)


Well, I guess it somehow did. Back in the 1980’s and 90’s around 30% of the population in Norway was smoking, Today the number is around 8%. On the other hand the use of snus (see link below) has gone up and is still rising, with around 16% of the population using this tobacco product.

Of course the prices is not the only reason for the decrease in the number of smokers. Health campaigns and strict regulations on where you can smoke is part of the reason too. And then there is snus, which is expensive too, so with the number of people using snus, nicotine is still a pretty good business in Norway.

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I have to refer to the norwegian halling country rock group Hellbillies. They gave out a record called Pela Stein in 1993. On that record there is a track called I Morgo har eg fri. That text refers to the norwegian snus in this way. Ja, no går det som lus. Ja, no treng eg snus. Eg får seta meg eit vel. No er det snart slutt på arbeids vikun. I morgo har eg fri. Då kan eg svinge meg i dansen og få jentud`n på gli. Ho Birgjit er so lett og blid. I morgo so har eg fri. That text was also brought in on their later record called Cool Tour, given out in 2002. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

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Although at £14.70 for 20 in my corner shop (£14.15 at the supermarket if you buy 200 at a time), it is not the actual price that gets me angry :rage:, it is the fact that ‘duty free’ they can be bought for £3.30 for 20, and I object the giving the government £11 of my money from every packet to be bloody wasted !!

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Little tobacco teabags.

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I never would have NEVER guessed.

:see_no_evil: :rofl: :rofl:

television lol GIF by S4C

Btw GG Googling the average cost of cigarettes in America. :sweat_smile: :smoking:


Here in america, the average cost for a pack of smokes is about 15 bucks


The average cost for a packet in norway for example is 16 bucks. So pretty close to about the same. :hugs:


For that price, thank god I don’t smoke!


It equalls the same as 171 norwegian crowners. 171 kr. Kr means kroner. 171 norske kroner. Equalls the amount of 20 cigarettes per packet. Unbelievable price. :hugs:

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Ja du veit, oppe i dalstroki, bak ei krasafaren steinbu :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Teabacco, still very addictive :joy: :joy: :joy:

Sweden is the number one snus-country, but Norway is probably a good number two :smiley:

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Jeg ville valgt oppe i dalstrokji, men det er bare enkel semantikk. Smak og behag. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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En gammel konservativ bokmålsmann som meg er ikke helt stødig i denne såkalte nynorsken til Ivar Aasen. Eller det er det dialekter her, ka faen vet æ :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Over halve slekta mi og væl så det kommer fra Valdres og Hallingdal, med en bitte liten overvekt av Hallingdal faktisk. for å være dønn ærlig. Så jeg er veldig vant med dialekter og fortolkning av sådan. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: