VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Ok, skjønner tegningen her :joy: :hugs:

Selv er jeg jo finnmarking da - Så æ e nu bare her. Gjør det nokka? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The poor translator is probably going bananas now trying to figure out Norwegian dialects. Perhaps we should stop now, before we end up in the chamber of chatters :rofl:


Sjøl er jeg plein østlending med dialekt på grunn av inn flytting og diverse. Hadde jeg kjørt på med ordentlig Opplands innlands dialekt fra bestemor og bestefar for eksempel så ville en hver oversetter uansett verktøy blitt overkjørt med damp vei vals og ødelagt helt fullstendig. Ville gitt opp på alle mulige måter og bare lagt seg rett ned. Uten tvil. :hugs: :hugs:

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While it does vary from state to state, that’s a bit high by about 25%.

Cigarette Prices by State 2024

Too late.


Go hælj totninger men høll dekk heme :joy: :hugs: :joy:

Snakker vi Vazelina-land nå? Jeg er jo fra Unit Five-land :guitar:

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Oh shit, we’re there already. Well, if we keep going like this in Norwegian dialects, it won’t be long before a sub-topic of this topic is being created :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


On a serious note, it was just two fellow countrymen joking and exchanging pleasantries. I think you’ll all bear with us. Now let’s move on :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

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You don’t have to move on. You’re already in the chatter house.
:joy: :joy:


To make it language wise simpler for you I have to mainly stay away from norwegian and keep it to english for simple and practical reasons for us all. But now my fellow nice countryman was unbelievably kind to me and let me speak norwegian without limits. Which is a rare thing I do here, but it was very pleasant and nice for me. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I used a pretty special dialect related expression called væl så det, which is a thing I use pretty often. The translation got that specific expression in itself to become well so it. Pretty straight forward. But actually I am very impressed by now at how accurate the translation from norwegian to english has developed. It has become very reqognisable for me even when I read a translation of what I write in norwegian and then into english. So that is impressive to me. It has not been like that before I can tell you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

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The translator’s not doing too bad actually. Still it varies, like “Gjør de nokka?” translates to “Does it do enough?”, which is not a good translation!

Should rather be something like “Does it matter?” Like “I’m her, I’m me, what’s up. something wrong that’s all, does it matter?”

Needs context. Language problems :rofl:

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Especially also the opposite translation. From english to or into norwegian. That is actually more of a struggle for the translation. Because I can suddenly bring in especially sewed in specialty expressions which only applies in norwegian. Then the translator really struggles like freaking hell. Then it needs updating. I get annoyed. And irritated. What the hell is this, dude? Needs proper contextualisation. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

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Oh yes, this may be the issue behind some of the “big arguments” on the forum. Lost in translation, a rule of thumb may be to try to avoid expressions or sayings specific to one’s own language. They very rarerly tranlate well!

I know I “sin” myself sometimes when it comes to this, but anyways, maybe try to keep this in the back of your heads. I try all the time. We can have a good time here :joy:

It has become clearly better in my opinion and my view. Especially after a couple of participants has disappeared. Then a few of those discussion heaters has calmed considerably down. The situation has improved significantly. The way I see it. I am glad for it. Because I don`t like that kind of development. :hugs: :hugs:

Yeah, some shit has gone down, and there’s bound to be more coming. We’ll just have to take it as it comes. After all, it’s a free forum :smiley:

Yeah, it is a free forum where people can express freely based upon what they observe and see. That is how it is suppose to be. We just have to do our best to make the best out of it. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

As I always say…just think about what you’re going to say before put your mouth in gear (as the vast majority do when speaking to someone in person). Same goes before putting fingers to keyboard, consider being face to face when you’re typing. It’s far to easy to be a keyboard warrior and get into an argument with someone on the forum. I find myself wanting to say something when keyboard warriors at it. But that can be like getting between 2 drunks that are determined to win at any cost, doesn’t always go well. I’m sure like many I scroll and scroll until I get to the point where I think its over. Respectful dialogue goes a long ways. :slightly_smiling_face:


I am really trying my outright best to improve. I have not always been the best at it. I had an ugly habit of speaking before I was rationally thinking. Instead of rationally thinking before I was speaking. That element has improved significantly better for me. I have become clearly much more conscious of it. Luckily. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

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fuck thinking before saying , say what you think and fuck the consequences :rofl: :rofl: :crazy_face: