VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Exactly, that’s the ones we traditionally call sausages. All the other ones are in the “Salami” category. I hope that now you understand why i made my first comment :hugs:


I believe the Germans might describe it as a ‘Wurst’, of which there are several varieties. Some in the Royal Navy might refer to sausages as ‘devils kidneys,’ or ‘snorkers,’ rather than ‘bangers.’


Je me demande parfois ce que je viens faire sur ce site (payant !) pour discuter des différentes sortes de saucisses …
Vous n’avez rien d’autre à raconter ou à montrer que ça ??? :interrobang: :interrobang:


After reading many posts on here there seem to be lots of extremely sensitive people around these days who seem to want to go out of their way to find ways of being offended. The term woke springs to mind but no doubt someone will find a way to be offended by that. :laughing:
What the hell is wrong with being called a Brit,Scot,Swede, Pole or whatever, that is what you are so why take offence at it.
Too many people these days seem to have far too much time on their hands and almost seem to be wanting to feel offended so they got something else to moan about.
To many people want to get a life methinks rather than wallow in all this self pity just because these days it seems to be the thing to do.
How the hell future generations will be brought up god knows after being brainwashed by the minority do gooders.


As I have said before. The standard shortage for Norway is NOR. Shall I start getting offended if people begin to use the shortage as Norway instead of Norwegian or for example Norwegian instead of Norway? Come on, guys. Get it together, will you? :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:


Yes all very silly really because a small minority seem to think they know better than anyone but we all have to do and behave like they say.
To many people think they are too intelligent i think and love over thinking things and everybody else is wrong.
As for England, Cornwall People are called Cornish pastys, Devonshire people are called Devonshire dumplings, Newcastle people are called Geordies, Londoners are called Cockneys and so on but i doubt of any of these people are offended and nor should they be. The whole world is just going b___dy mad i think.
England used to have a sense of humour which i fear is gradually disappearing.


The Newcastle FC football supporters are called The Toon Army or The Geordies. I highly doubt they will get offended if you use both of those two nicknames on them. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have just been reading all about Japanese sausages playing football. It’s amazing what you can learn (or be confused by) on this forum!!! :laughing:

I do realise by the way, that I was part of the sausage debate. :blush:


Why, why did I have to enter this topic???

I’m hungry now…

giphy (5)


It’s amazing how sometimes a single character can give a sentence, or object an entirely different meaning. While what’s shown in the photo looks like a giant sausage, the use of the word “a” is not the right term to describe it. It’s not “a” sausage.

It may look like a huge sausage, but it’s actually a big hunk of sausage meat that is used to make patties or links, only without the casings, which are then referred to as sausages, or a sausage if it’s only one.

It’s usually for home use as it can be cheaper to make them yourself, rather than buy them already formed.

As you all probably know, English is not my first language. You are totally right, i should have wrote only sausage, without the “a”.

As for the rest, we (in Ro) call sausages only the ones that have the casing, all the rest are in the “Salami” category, as i mentioned earlier.

Thank you for correcting me :hugs:

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It’s my fault, I am sorry…

It all stems from my comment on the main topic page, about Tristan and his big sausage (intended as an anatomical joke but based upon the fact that he was in his kitchen slicing a rather large processed sausage)!!! :blush:


I for example did not get offended by it at all. No worries. :hugs: :wink:


Here too… :wink: :smile:

La saucisse est un élément important sur ce site ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I truly was not trying to correct you. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I am curious about something, though. You’ve said a couple of times that you live in Ro. Is that a city name, or the abbreviation for a country?

Ro is the abbreviation for a country (Romania) but no, i don’t live there, i live in England for quite a lot of years now.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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Agree with your basic judgement here. You have to learn to carefully pick your battles. Use it. Do not use it. Your own choice. :slightly_smiling_face:


No, absolutely not. I agree with that judgement aswell. my expression was maybe a little bit bad choice of a word. You have to be careful about what you choose to involve yourself in and what you do not choose to involve yourself in. That is better. I am sorry. :slightly_smiling_face: :hugs: