VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

You realise you are the only person bothered by this—nobody is backing you up or outraged because it simply isn’t what you are trying to make it out to be.

To sit here and say that Brit or Scot or any of the other abbreviated nationality can’t carry racial or derogatory connotations is downright ignorant.

They are people who don’t like people from different countries and will couple a derogatory word with the abbreviation; that doesn’t make it a racial slur; it makes the person racist or prejudiced.

This outrage you have is ignorant; you’re trying to be PC; you are not Japanese, but will tell me It’s my right not to want to be called a Brit as it is an accepted non-racial word, says who? Not all Brits like to be associated or sit under that word for many reasons, but I said that to see your response about it.

Oh dear :joy::joy::joy:
You all have way too much time :thinking:


Yes :rofl: Jabbs!


Or I shall start complaining if people use the shortage for NOR as Norway instead of Norwegian or Norwegian instead of Norway? :heart_eyes:

Shall I cry and complain now? :rofl::rofl:

oh believe me , we all have other shortened names for you. alot of them are 4 letter words aswell but if we used them .you would complain ,so we just stick to the good old tried and tested jabs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Ahahaha I am happy to be so popular and loved by everyone :joy::joy:


Yes, :rofl: the floor is all yours

Bird Popcorn GIF


Doesn’t it say “The stage is yours” :joy:?

I am from the ghetto; we had a flo, not a stage!

I am sorry to have offended you by giving you the floor! Jabs, the stage is yours :rofl:


Haha well at least it seems the stupid debate has stopped :rofl::rofl:

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Don’t hold your breath. :rofl:


I have also seen the term don`t hold yer breath, pal from other englishmen for example. :wink: :joy:

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There must be something to debate in the first place. What is there to debate? :wink: :joy:

Sorry, but I disagree.

When the soldiers in Vietnam spoke about “Charlie”, that was as derogatory to me, as the use of the word “JAP” for japanese people after Pearl Harbour.

What, I guess, still didn’t get acroos, is the fact, that language has words, that can be used as regular conversation in the original meaning, but depending on how, where, in which context, they can be insulting.

Use the word pussy, no problem, used here a zillion times.

Would I call you a pussy, that’s different.

I used to live in an environment with Americans of different origin.

Some asians, some afro-american or native americans, American Indians or whatever today is the correct term. The racist - question was around permanent. You had to think twice about nearly everything you said.

Would we eliminate the words, that possibly, eventually, under some circumstances can be mistaken, we would soon talk like some Neandertals probably did in single syllables.

I’m not a linguist, and for myself, I want to finish this discussion.

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Brilliant response! Let’s end it; some people always want to be correct and never want to learn and see it from other people’s perspectives.

And this person is the type that never wants to learn.

With that being said, I need to pee. :rofl:

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Tired S___p GIF by Big Brother Australia


I told you! :rofl:


I’m neither bothered, nor outraged. If that’s what you perceive from what I posted, then clearly you are wrong. But, even if that were true, why would it matter?

I’m not trying to make it be anything. It is what it is. I simply provided some truth from other people where obviously none resided. I don’t need backup. The truth is true regardless of how many people voice it.

And, I’m not the only person talking about it. You, Florencio and Seth were conferring before I was involved.

I could be wrong, but if I had to guess, I’d say you and Florencio were born during the period 1946-1964.

The bottom line is, you can believe whatever you want. That doesn’t change the facts and the truth about anything you believe.

For example, the MAGAts in trump’s cult believe he’s the Messiah. That, however, doesn’t change the truth that not only is he not, but could never be, anything even vaguely resembling a Messiah. The anti-Christ, absolutely, but never a Messiah.

You and Florencio were adamant that the term Jap was not racially derogatory because that made it OK for you to continue using it. I provided facts and truth to the contrary from people more knowledgeable than me about the subject.

This is all I have to say about that.

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beating a dead horse wtf GIF