VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

I still enjoy Monty Python man. :fire: :sweat_smile: :joy:


Nooooo, that was way below the belt pal, you could hurt a guys feelings you know :cry: :wink:


moaning minnies , not heard that in ages :rofl: :rofl: but at least the gripes in this topic today have proper substanance , and not just griping for the sake of it . :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not beat about the bush pal just say what you really mean pal :rofl:
Won’t get offended, honest :wink:


Wont have to hold back on anything for my sake, honestly. Keep on going and do your own thing. I wont get offended I promise. :wink: :fire:

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As if i would really be worried anyway :wink:

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I am thickly skinned enough to cope with what ever is coming. :wink: :hugs:


What’s it matter to you? Aren’t you already halfway in the grave already? :sweat_smile:

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you heard the saying dont give up ,fight till you die ??? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think I’ve heard some people say you are already dead inside. Similar concept, right? :man_shrugging:t2:


Dang that went straight into dark humor real quick, no lube, no kiss on the mouth first… :cry:

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push the wrong buttons and foreplay is not needed , nor will it make the outcome any the sweeter :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Actually it really depends on the flavor of lip gloss you will be wearing. :kissing_heart: :crazy_face:


lol betting between £50 and £100 every day on world football accumalators , last time i checked i was in a minus of £2000+ . YES i know mugs game ,but i actually enjoy the buzz following the accys . biggest win to date was £12500 ,and im still in a minus lol


Lol, i stopped betting a long time ago after loosing (again) on the last match from my ticket. To be even worse that happened after my team was leading with 4-0 in minute 75. They lost 5-4 in minute 96 from extra time. That was the last time i bet :joy::joy::joy:

I used to play a lot on Pokerstars instead. Not big sums, 50$ for a start. Managed to win 2000$ playing small multiple tables. Lost them all in 5 minutes after moving to a big blinds one.With a pair of aces. Deleted the app :joy::joy::joy:

lol these are 2 of my bets from last night normally dobetween 5 and 10 accys

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cheers jabs was just going to ask you to dump us in the s__t pile :rofl:


I know that feeling so damn well. When i lost, was mostly on one game. And always after i was in a very good place. Damn :laughing:

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the 10 fold i could of cashed out for £4798.78 , but didnt as it was 1- 1 and the strongest seemed capable of scoring again . quickest way ever of saying goodbye to nigh on 5 grand lol

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Well the saying is “A fool and his money will soon be parted” …