VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

im spending it before i pop my clogs my kids are lining up waiting on there inheratance going to leave them a surprise whatever i got left is all going to my grandd______r farm .properties money the whole shebang and they dont know it yet


Once i had my last game from tennis. Women tennis.

The player i bet on was a massive fav. Game started, she won the first 5 games. I was already celebrating :joy::joy:

Obvs, that was all she won that game. Lost 7-5 6-0. I was praying for her to retire in the second set :joy::joy::joy:


Bet you got MUG tattooed across yer forehead too :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


nah m8 at my time of life its just a bit of fun , i worked all my life for what i have now , and whats the point of being rich if i cant have a few guilty pleasures , as long as theres enough to leave my grand______r to give her a head start in life then alls good


I have to lean myself onto James Simon Wallis Hunts wise words once: Some of life needs to be for pleasure. Whats the point of having a million cups, medals and planes if you don`t have any fun? Now, how is that winning? :fire:

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top driver , but he took living life to the fullest quite litterally lol not surprised he died how he did and how young he he was , shame really . but WOW what a way to of lived your life


He lived his life truly and completely to the fullest. To make it count as if each day is your very last day. To live each day like it is your very last day. He truly did that. :fire:

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Well one day it will be. :roll_eyes:

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He ,he , he… May sound harsh and unfair, but, oh so very true… :roll_eyes: :wink: :hugs:

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Hunt The Shunt absolute legend the guy was a pussy magnet and he filled his boots with it really great driver too he left us way too young but he had a blast while he was here


Yeah, I like the guy very much absolutely. Most definitely a legend in my view. :hugs: :wink:


What’s a DAU when it’s at home.? if i may ask :wink:

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Dumbest Assumed User
but I think your question was a different one?

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oh you mean a thick fucker do you? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No worry pal have been called a lot worse :wink:
Water off a ducks back :laughing:

Oh no, I don’t want to offend anyone here. My m____r tongue is German, my English is modest. I thought your question was a joke

No offence taken pal for sure :+1: , am fairly easy going really :wink:
You english is excellent, much better than my non existent german :laughing:

Thank you for the flowers :wink: I am also a laid-back guy of 69 years old :laughing:
I love black British humour

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Has the site shat the bed for anyone else?

Nevermind. It’s back for me

DAU or dau. In norwegian that is a somewhat impolite way of stating that a person has recently died or passed away. The polite way is dø or død. To put it in a norwegian slang: Er`n dau relativt nylig eller? There are uglier phrases in norwegian than that, so I will leave it at that. :hugs:

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Ah well same s__t different place :rofl: