VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

No Kaya, i’m sorry, i started the discussion trying to understand why my post was hidden as i couldn’t see the reason on the system notification report.

If there was much moderation, Eros wasn’t using headers for over 2 months without any problem/flag. I refrain from giving you some more deep and serious reasons why i’m saying it. I know as a fact that will lead nowhere. Sorry


misbehaving bart simpson GIF


Can You please stop using my name as an example all the time. Find someone else… I’m not the only one who has made a mistake and you have done too , you are not the Infallible One who knows it all !!


You are right and I respect your desire of justice. Therefore, I will have to issue you official warning so that Eros doesn’t feel treated unfairly :slight_smile:


and that :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: is how to k__l a forum


I forgot to put posting new pics like I’ve been doing before my holiday :wink::sunglasses: the pics that I posted in other topics are old ones I won’t be back to look at the live cams and post new ones until Monday morning :+1:


There is a reason then for why there is not so many commenting on the forum as it used to then I would carefully reckon. :hugs: :fire:


Need to be careful she will tell you that you are using to many flags. Then she will delete all the flags you made and reprimand you. Maybe even ask if you need a vacation.


The reason for that is anytime anyone posts anything someone has to come along and find fault with everything. The forum is a ticking time bomb as the leaders or mods are ready to pounce on you.


I most absolutely agree with you. I have to say sadly. :fire:

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little chiefs with high ambitions , umh big chief might need to watch his wigwam dont get squatters :rofl:

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I don`t have high ambitions, so that is why I am not climbing on any of the leaderboards either. I reckon. :joy: :fire:


wasnt talking about you was talking about , power crazy mods etc , they are k__ling this site slowly but surely :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :wink: :wink:


If exactly this is continuing at the rate it does per now, then that is just going to continue to escalate by the day as it looks like I am afraid. Maybe a little bit harshly said though. :fire: :wink:

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I believe that half of the problem on the forum is that members only post images on certain threads. If another member then makes a comment on that image or even asks or makes a pertinent comment about the image then the member who posted the original image fails to reply to the question posed.

The members who post on this thread I think are mature in their outlook and like to have a lively discussion and have a good sense of fun as well. :beers:


my biggest querey is regarding the unwrittten rules on how a post should look then a member of staff decides they dont like a certain format and decide to dish out formal warnings for something that as never been said is against the rules surely powers that be should either make it an official rule and let eveyone abide by it but making rules up as you go along will cause nothing but disharmony .


The elements you are pointing out kind of just underlines the main point in my last post before this one actually. :fire:

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JMO. Little cooks with big powers can spoil the pudding.


Just logged on today and all i can read is a bunch of moaning minnies, and then some have the b___dy cheek to accuse me of always moaning :rofl:
Getting more like Monty Python every b___dy day. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Rob, someone has to hold the flag up when you’re not present. :laughing:

Well, at least try… :crazy_face: