VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

exactly what was once a fun and tantalising place to chat and share our thoughts as turned into a personal battle ground for certain members, there really isnt that much anymore on the forum to encourge vhtv members to sign up to the forum, how often do you see a new member comment , only for that member never to comment again , very rarely do we see new members stick around , and in some cases regular chatters get so pissed off with the inhouse state of affairs they to dsappear into the fringes of the forum just to view the forum but stay muted


I don`t do especially much to get any specifically higher on the leaderboard really. That is why i am visibly just staying where I am. Basically. :heart_eyes: :hugs:

Dear kaya
VHTV about 20 Days ago increase the posts from 2 to 4
No one said anything to me just today it’s unfair to be blame only me for the posts
But I got over it, have no problem posting whatever the rules are…
I just want to know if I can post 1 - 2 or up to 4 consecutive & up to 10 in the Gallery Thanks !!

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That’s totally true. Only a handful of the people i used to enjoy chatting and having a laugh, are still posting on the forum

Most of them are in “Read Only” mode


Well I stick around. And I am going to stick around. So do not worry my pal. :hugs: :heart_eyes:

but i bet if you clicked there profile you would see they are still active visitors to the forum , just dont chat ???


@John78 you fuka you edited ya post to make my comment look out of place , you added this

I Dont Think So No Way GIF by UFC


Hi, Kaya. Call me the why guy, but I’m really curious. Why do you not want us to use header formatting? Why would the size of some text be a problem?

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Sure you can post anything via limits


The same reason as posting with emojis between pics and so on - tidiness. Eros’s or anyone others post are as good as others and everybody deserves to be seen equally I believe


I guess the limit is 4 consecutive pictures, however I won’t post 4 consecutive pictures I will post up to 2. I don’t like to overdo it Thank You !!
PS Dear Kaya Have a Wonderful Weekend !!

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Sorry, i am on the phone, i hit the wrong button and post the unfinished comment.

You are right, the vast majority are still active just not posting anymore.

Can not really blame them.


so its not a stead fast rule ,just a understanding , then surely it shouldnt warrant a flag :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


but hey . if its not one thing its another , there will never be the perfect forum , when the goal post are forever being moved , , ill just carry on being me and you" the rest" can carry on being you

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This is the main reason people stopped posting.

In this place it isn’t so much about what you do, but more about who you are friend with.

And a total lack of moderation.


Posts are getting removed until edited


Didn’t you start the whole discussion because of too much moderation? :thinking:


that i understand , but still doesnt explain where these new rules come from , there not listed anywhere either here or on the discourse site , i understand admin will add there own rules but surely they should be easily accessible and not hidden away in the dark corners of a link like F,A Q. or not printed anywhere but in the minds of those who made them ?you may think im making to much of this , but surely if rules are to be adhered to it would be nice to see those rules . just saying :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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There you go:


i looked at them already infact ive learned to rely on them as i can be somewhat outspoken as you so well know ,but i appologise if im in the wrong . but still doesnt say anything about how the layout of a post should look/be ? but i dont see why im bothereed really , as not many of my post get swept up . only a few of my poor british humour that was taken the wrong way