VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Since when did you upgrade your tv?? :astonished:


Dear kaya Can You please tell me why 21 of my posts was hidden of the best topics without any reason That happens just nowā€¦!!
Thank You !!

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dont worry about it , its nothing personal . you have been caught in the crossfire in an on going saga between another member and the hierachy , .it will wear off soon well at least before 2026 :rofl: :rofl:


If you read this thread from post 3210 you will at least have an understanding of the politics involved in this saga. As Lazurus has pointed out just prior to this post.


The Office Politics GIF


that geezer in the pic is the perfect image as to what i thought you would look like . damm im good , :rofl: :rofl:


Baring in mind that i can only use 20 flags/24 hours and there is a huge amount of posts to flag, more than likely iā€™ll stop before flagging them allā€¦

Just to give Kaya something to do for a while :crazy_face:


Thanks I read all and liked them allā€¦!! Itā€™s better to be told we donā€™t like You but thatā€™s it thanks after 1 year and 17 hours a day !!
The reason I did the posts is not because Iā€™m out of my mind but to forget my problems and because I like photography But it doesnā€™t matter everyone is who they areā€¦ and Iā€™m proud of who I am !!


just remember m8 , if kaya actualy agrees with you it could affect his TL3 status and im sure your not that vindictive to want that to happen to him ???

In this case, i might say that it is quite personal, if i need to be perfection, then everyone else needs to be.

I guess itā€™s fair enough.

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Please do not use header formatting in order to make your posts outstand

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PERFECTION here are you b___dy serious this is a talk show on a semi porn site :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I prefer to call it 18+ Kindergartner :crazy_face:


what i cant understand s why the powers that be are adverse to header formatting , not everyone does it infact less than 1% , i have searched around but cant find any rules to say dont use that technique , maybe if its against the rules which by certain admin reactions it must be , maybe the forum rules need to be updated and more visible to members instead of hidden away in ther FAQ section , seems to me to be selective input of the rules ,

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To Some people are not worth answering The Answer is my morals, manners and in this case my pictures !!
I wish you a wonderful weekend!!

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After Kaya explained to me why my post was hidden, i went back searching and found that it was Vhtv itself saying to not use headers. I donā€™t think there is a writen rule about it. It might beā€¦

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There is no point addressing me. You can only explain or complain to Kaya or Vhtv. If there is a rule, should be for everyone or none. It is this simple

Have a nice weekend as well

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i stll cant see where the issue is . it doesnt spoil the presentation of a post . so its either a persnal or technical choice , but whatever it is , surely if there going to stipulate rules at least ,let the rules be found,

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You tooā€¦ also wish You Wonderful Dreams !!

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I believe it is a more a personal matter. Not sure.

I have only used headers a few times. Probably less than 5 posts in 2 years on the forum.

Frustrating to be flagged for it