VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Exactly what I am saying. He has some weird fetish that he has to be no.1 on the leaderboard. If VHTV stopped the leaderboard Eros would leave :joy::joy::joy:


In my opinion, them massive galleries of pics or vids are much worse than posting one pic. The only problem with posting one pic at the time might be when it doesnā€™t have a meaning, description of an event and itā€™s just throwed there to add at the numbers

This in Aderynā€™s Topic is IMO much worse than one pic. Takes much more space and scrolling. Also doesnā€™t express anything, no descriptions at all. All spam posting


Yes very cluttered. Personally I think no more than 6 photos in one postā€¦

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I like when there are 10+ pictures in a post. That way if you click on the pictures fast enough itā€™s like watching a video!


Iā€™m gonna have to disagree with you on this one. I donā€™t think he cares about the leader board. Some people just really enjoy posting a lot of pictures and donā€™t care about the leader board. For example when @ToreyK used to post pictures all the time he didnā€™t care about the leader board at all.


I posted for whatever happening or already happenedā€¦ not like other who posted to create drama stories and give them ideas of wishes or shows they like to seeā€¦ :wink:
I really love :two_hearts: and miss old days :pleading_face: when things were more real no interactions just parties and sex now even sex and moan looks like a show to meā€¦ things are more predictable than beforeā€¦ :face_with_peeking_eye:
still some genuine are leftā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Enjoy Broā€¦ :hugs: life is not same for everyone we all need money to live and happiness should be no.1 priority there is always switch to turn on & off we just need to use it wiselyā€¦ :blush:


you just got to love this forum , the diversity of its members is fanfuckingtastic, some are easy going ,some are hardwork , some are understanding and some are condescending ,some are swots and some are brown nosers .some are upfront and some are back stabbers , all in all we sure do have an eclectic rainbow gathering of colourfull characters :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl:


Iā€™m taking a little holiday myself it started this past Thursday and it ends tmrwā€‹:cry: I just had to clear my mind and reset and take a step back from the forum :hugs:



How exactly did you take a vacation and step back from the forum?? You have been posting every day, multiple times a day since last Thursdayā€¦


not that you needed to pull him up on his comment , but you did so ill pull you up on yours , he normally post on average 50 comments/pics a day but sinse thurs he as posted just 9 times . , i would call that a step back , remember he did say this past thursday which is about 36 hours ago for most people , so i say again , your comment wasnt needed , but more like a sarcastic reply . something this forum and its members are getting more and more fluent with which is a sorry state of affairs


and some are extremely elderly, who lie in bed all day with a TV screen as big as a cinema (they will have to compensate something) :sweat_smile:


you sussed me out , im on a wind up . looking for a bite :rofl:


Bang on. Itā€™s the only kind of reply NotSeth knows how to give

Heā€™s made 25 comments since last Thursday. Iā€™m sorry he posts so much. I honestly didnā€™t notice the drop off.

One could say the exact same thing about your comment my friend. :wink:


No problems, we are not in hurry


oh come on my snooty little adversary , surely i deserverd a much more complex reply than that tut tut :rofl:

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who is this Kaya project team . as she been on here before sounds like a right little bundle of fun :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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Meh your comment was full of a bunch of fluff and virtue signaling. I just cut straight to the chase. :sweat_smile:

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cut or caught ??? :rofl: both mean the same thing but just wondering if you are using the posh or common version

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You caught me! :rofl: :rofl: