VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Not here it ain’t, my 2 stage verification still not working, those b___dy Russians must have cut the undersea internet cable :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


you tried to renew your password?

no need to, just go to the homepage and press F5

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Insta works again :heart_eyes:

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Bit difficult if i can’t login eh unless you have some other magical way :wink:

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delete history for last 24 hours

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I can confirm that all are back working again on my side as well

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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but really shouldnt need to , a simple restart of your system should get you back up and running


Nope still no go, perhaps a restart may shake it all up :roll_eyes:


you could always try by going into “d.o.s” on your computer , and where it says command prompt , type in HELP. im fucked and let the little wizard thats hiding deep within your operating system to help you :wink: :wink: :wink: :rofl:


thats because you don’t trust anyone, including yourself? :rofl: :joy:


Will just try re-booting my ZX81 that may clear the backlog, the Spectrums too fucking advanced for me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


or you could just use the old faithfull way of dealing with stupid tech problems


Still no b___dy good, FB just ain’t playing here the bastards. They must have a problem with us country boys down yer :wink:

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ok this is a serous comment , not that you would fall fr it , but becarefull if you recieve a message notification from an unknown member offering to help you sort the problem , they will ask you to type in an address onto your comp and that will give them remote access and full control of everything on your comp ,not saying your that daft , but many many people have fell for that scam :slightly_frowning_face: :slightly_frowning_face:


Oooohhhh one of they straw bales must have fallen on the internet wire, managed to lift it off and all ok now.
FB all up and running now.


I may have straw between me ear lugs but us yer yokels ain’t that thick or stupid you know, well not recently :crazy_face:

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giphy (8)

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A few mugs of that thar cider sorts us buggers out though, b___dy marvelous that apple juice you know, reaches parts that no one has ever heard of :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Arrr lad, they hats works b___dy wonders for the old grey matter

hic hic

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It looks like the problem with FB Insta and others are related to the events in the Red Sea

In the Red Sea, 4 submarine cables out of 15 in waters under the jurisdiction of Yemen are critically damaged. They will secure the global Internet and telecommunications.

According to company estimates, this increases traffic by 25%. These submarine cables transmit data to Africa, Asia and the Near East. Entries to redirect traffic along other “routes” are already being implemented.

Currently, there is a large-scale disruption of the largest websites in different countries of the world: Youtube, Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc.