Personal problems between people

Can you two get back to topic? Thanks :wink:

You really are everywhere jabbs damn :rofl: :rofl:

Sounds like candidates for the s__thole topic? wonder if they will get there? :rofl:

There is an own topic for personal differences

:rofl: If that had been me i would have been shunted off right away i bet? :rofl:

Stay on topic guys. :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry jabs, I am calm now and will get back to enjoying the site. I will ignore him just as I have ignored Jin. Sometimes the keyboard works faster than the mind.

Calling someone a cheapskate because they’re unable to pay, is an insult. Just like it would be an insult if I were to say you were a thoughtless, degenerate asshole. An insult is an insult.

Believe me, if I needed pity, it would certainly not be from the likes of you. And, this forum would be an enjoyable experience, if more people like you got banned.

BTW, what happened to me being on ignore? So, now a liar, too. I knew it wasn’t true.

Thanks Jabbs. :rofl: :rofl:

Fame at last pal we are now in the Personal problems section not the s__thole :rofl:

I told you guys to stay on topic but no. and see we moved. :rofl: :rofl:

How long have you been a badass that you need constant supervision and moved :rofl:

Jabba, you moved one too many posts. This post I made to TheKangaroo wasn’t a part of my conversation with marcie.

Longer than you have been on here that’s for sure :rofl: I really am a naughty naughty boy :rofl:

Do your dates spank you :rofl:

Only by request :rofl:

Thanks it’s back. You guys are all bad here :rofl:

Tom And Jerry Reaction GIF

No I’m not. :flushed: :yum:

Yeah well it’s a heavy cross we all have to bear :rofl:

Don’t argue with the boss, you should know your place like i do :rofl: