Personal problems between people

Yes you are only half as bad, buddy :rofl: :rofl:

No, Iā€™m not.

Denying it wonā€™t take you anywhere :rofl:

It does in my book. They say it takes two to tango, but thatā€™s not always true. Sometimes it takes the second person to make things right, to set them straight.

Careful pal your halo might fall off, put mine back on now so gonna be a good boy today :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: angry looney tunes GIF

Yea right well thats never going to happen. :rofl: :rofl:

See how a little fun makes us all love each other again. :wink:

I refuse to be provoked by you s__t stirring people, my good boy persona is strong :rofl:

Hell did you say the L word, a bit soon for that I think. :joy:

May the f___e be with you. :rofl: :rofl:

Thatā€™s a one way to call smell :innocent:

Now you really are taking the piss :rofl:
Oops my halo nearly slipped then :rofl:

Who pulled your b___dy chain Alli? :rofl:

How the fuck did you qualify for a halo here, all I get are these flipping badges? :rofl:

Ah well you donā€™t try that self restraint hard enough obviously :rofl:

I have no halo. I can be just as bad as the rest of you guys, even worse. I just make a choice and a conscious effort not to be, most of the time.

Marcie knew he was wrong when I replied to his insult. He just has that type of personality and attitude that wonā€™t let him say he was wrong. He thinks, whoever yells the loudest, wins. But, he just keeps digging a bigger hole.

Ok donā€™t get kinky now, I really am not into restraints and BDSM. :yum:

Like I will ever tell :stuck_out_tongue:

Donā€™t know what youā€™re missing then obviously :roll_eyes:

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