Personal problems between people

Ok, now I’m working. Ready to go!

Can we see the ring? Is it real or fake? :grin:

@anon11413635 , it’s realer than you being a woman :joy::joy:. I don’t even know why I wasted my time going back and forth with you… I just realized I’m going back and forth with a man who think he’s a woman :tired_face::man_facepalming:t5:. You’re probably a janitor who THINKS he does neurological research :tired_face::man_facepalming:t5:

Yay more transphobic comments aimed at me. All you are doing is using my sexuality as a weapon to hurt me because you can’t handle what I have to say. It’s beneath the pale and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing it. Quite frankly I’m surprised they are allowing you to do it, not to spare me of course, but for the sake of their other members here and potential members who are probably offended by this tactic.

Nope I’m definitely not transphobic, just stating YOU aren’t actually trans…You just really WANT to be a woman. And even IF, someone WAS transphobic he’s human just as everyone else. You can have arachnobia, and all the other phobias, but when it’s transphobia you’re a bad person huh??

And another thing, If you can’t handle what people say to you, MAYBE just MAYBE, you shouldn’t go around fucking with other people?

Of course I am trans. Every day of my life the voice inside of my head is that of this woman named Amy and she is there regardless of what I’m wearing. Trust me if I want to transform myself into a passable woman I can. And yes, you are transphobic because rather then arguing against my comments you are simply using my sexuality as a means to hurt me. It’s offensive to me, but I can take it. The real issue is that you’re not just offending me, your are in fact offending others too.

and you just proved my point… Your voice has an actual NAME. soooooooooo thats more along the lines of schizophrenia. And the same could be said about your comments towards Ambar and everybody else…You say she’s a female pimp or whatever you call it… You probably insulted a whole community of honest hard working pimps.

The voice in my head is me, not some other voice, so your comment makes no sense. I have gender dysphoria, so if you want to call that a mental illness fo right ahead although it is generally not consider a mental disorder as per the DSM-5. It’s somewhat complicated and you really have to consider each persons state before making such a diagnosis is illness. The issue with you is that once again you mean to use this knowledge about me as a means to harm me. Others can decide for themselves, but I think it’s pretty safe to say that what you are saying to me is transphobic and is offensive.

I also have about 10 years worth of experience working in schizophrenia. I know just about everything there is to know about that. So, again labeling me something based on almost nothing shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. I’m not schizophrenic by a long shot.

As for the pimps comment. That one doesn’t register on my search either, but if you think there aren’t similar things happening on this site you’re wrong. The truth is no one really cares all that much about that anymore. Everyone know it’s a money making adventure in sex. Again, my issue is not that Ambar and Maddy are paying these girls to be their sex show for them, it’s that VHTV allows it on what I think should be a real life voyeur site, since they claim to be about real people living real lives in real homes. They should honor that by slapping down obvious attempts to work the cams for views.

voice in my head says a lot of s__t too but i best not act on it tbh

You don’t have a voice in your head? How do you function?

@anon11413635, It’s just weird how you’re suddenly playing victim now… and besides I’m not the enemy I know exactly what you mean. The voices in my head always told me I was Asian, I hate it when people call me black just because of my DNA.

Oh yes, next to the Amy is crazy comments, the next tool is to say that I’m playing the victim. I am not! I’m defending myself against transphobic insults directed towards me not only you but others too. And you can’t seem to stop doing it. Now, you are to the point of calling trans people crazy, when this is not necessarily the case anymore than mental illness is a case for anyone. The truth is you are saying these things to hurt me, which makes what you are saying even worse.

Nah,bro. I simply saw you bullying people

You think I’m a bully and so you decided to bully me. Got it!

And some people are just so utterly thoughtless, it boggles the mind. Some people on this forum live on fixed budgets and can only afford the necessities, like food, medicine, housing, etc. Some people here live on no budget, at all. Not everyone is as fortunate as you and others to be able to afford the luxury of a sub like this. Not everyone is like you. Walk a mile in other peoples’ shoes before you insult people you know absolutely nothing about.

And, as far as “…annoying a LOT of people,” if everyone on this forum voted, you would probably find your annoyed lot to be in the minority.

A post was merged into an existing topic: On posting lots of images within condensed period of time

You sound like the world smallest violin. Do you think I subscribe to a porn site and THINK OH wait my money could have been used to feed a starving c___d somewhere? Don’t try and make me feel guilty because I have the money to pay subs. If you looked at the topic you would see a LOT of people were annoyed. Jin was asked politely not to spam, politely asked to move it to another topic. Anyway I now have Jin and you on ignore, not sure why I am actually replying to you. You know nothing about my life so stop making stupid statements like walk a mile in your shoes or I may ask you to walk a mile in my shoes. No go away and let me enjoy my perving.

Why not? You tried to insult me for not being able to pay.

No, I don’t think you think of anyone but yourself.

It wasn’t a lot of people. Pictures are not spam, especially on a forum like this. And, Jin wasn’t politely asked to do anything. There were a hell of a lot of rude, insulting comments and plenty of demands. And, apparently VHTV thought the same, as most, if not all, of those comments no longer exist.

Oh! Seems I hit a nerve. I know a lot more about you than you might like to believe. I read your comments and they were very telling. You see, you don’t define the person you’re rudely insulting with your jabs and barbs. Your words define you.

Your pathetic whining defines you. I never insulted you for not having money to pay subs, I really could not give a continental s__t about your financial situation Stop trying to make us feel sorry for you. You never hit any nerve, you simply are just a fucking irritation in what is supposed to be an enjoyable watching experience.