On posting lots of images within condensed period of time

You’re with that still. come on move on. :+1:

Click on the name of the topic and not at name of the images and it works. But I agree. That is something should be solved better when linking to an album @VHTV_James

Not today but yesterday he really got to me.

I know too me to. :unamused:

You’re having a laugh, as there are those you will never please.

Two things. While I was able to click on the topic name to see the gallery, it took me to Elliot’s topic and I couldn’t use the backspace option to get back to this topic. Not knowing this topic name made it difficult to get back here.

With James’ galleries, I didn’t see any file names, nor did I need to click on any topic name to see the galleries. The pictures were just there.

Did you create the gallery in this topic or in Elliot’s topic?

This is his quote of his post from other topic.
The gallery & simple images are not displayed within a quote and I don’t think it will change in the future.

Backspace is not working with Discourse indeed, but you can refer to it’s hotkey cheat sheet available inside hamburger menu:

Press “u” to navigate backwards.


I can’t believe you, of all people, would say something like that. You were the king of posting pics. You posted gobs of them (and, frankly, I wish you would, again). I think that’s a bit hypocritical.

The gallery option is a good solution. I think I prefer the grid version.

That’s not even close to what I was talking about. You have to click on the post that was quoted in order to understand the conversation.

I have only been speaking to the issue that a few people believe that too many pictures is a bad thing. I never said anything about banning pictures and neither, as far as I recall, did anyone else.

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Thanks, James, for that info.

Yes I think that too many pics lead to too much scrolling and since we don’t have pages here but endless scrolling it’s not good. By the way when there was a gallery function at CC forums I would have used it too…


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip

I do not see the grid gallery option @VHTV_James

Gallery options seem to be thus, a good explanation of each would be nice,gallery's

Ain’t that the truth. Now I can’t make more then 6 consecutive posts in a row. Image if jabbs had to live under that oppressive rule. People would be saying jabbath who?

I do not have the grid option:

Oh thats strange i bet everybody else does lol.
I haven’t tried it yet but i assume the image option gives you a scrolling view of pics whereas the grid option does just that, shows them in a grid format.
Dunno whyyou ain’t seeing the grid option? surely it’s a standard setup in the text box. :roll_eyes:

Now I see it. Strange I did not see before

Just a test using the image option

Did you have your eye’s open before? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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