On posting lots of images within condensed period of time

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip

Well the new album feature should prevent from messing up the forums. You can add photos to album by editing the post…

Well then the answer is no, cause the second I post an image the mob will be ready to squash me and there you’ll be really to placate them. This place operates under a mob rule. Same thing they did to CamCaps. They’ll fuck you over one day too if you stop being their bitch.

Thank you for sharing your rich experience on this topic. I will keep that in mind.

I think James and I will come up with something. You can add plug-in albums so that sequential photos are combined into an album automatically.

That will be boring!

Yeah that is cool. So people can view multiple photos without scrolling and to add more you just edit your post :+1:

It’s going to suck and you know it. You were the king of live pic posting. Now it’s bad cause the boss has an idea.

What is the problem? Do you need the ability to post photos on the fly? Or do you just have to go against the system? If the first - you can do it, despite the fact that the photos will be collected in albums and not take up space on the page. If the second - then I also help you, and do not interfere - how can you go against the system if the system will do whatever you want?

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Oh please! We’ve been live pic posting way before you were even a site. It’s fucking fun. All this talk about galleries and grouping images is stupid and defeats the whole joy of posting pics. Ask jabbath he knows if at least for years he did. See for yourself!


And people used to live in caves. Do you propose to stick to the historical tradition here as well?


Hard to mount cams in caves :joy: :wink:

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What you’re gonna do is suck up all the images into single post in some kind of album and anyone who comes along after the show is over is going to wonder what the fuck happened and why don’t the comments match up with the posts. The same way jabbath does with shoving all of the comments he doesn’t like into a s__thole breaks up the continuity of the story.

Jabbath knows better, but he has you to please now. Nothing shocking.

Talk to James, maybe we can customize it so that albums are shown to specific users of their choice in the form of image streams

I may be a bitch, but you’re running a business here and the way you treat people, even people who pay you is like s__t. How dare you sit there on your high fucking horse make jokes at my expense here.

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How are the comments going to work around that idiocy? Everything will be taken out of context and pics will just get shoved around. You’re basically ruining one of the main aspects of voyeurism. But go ahead, fits well with the way thing run around here.

Y’all have a great fucking day! I have better things to do then try and save you from yourself. Like snoring! Good night! :-1:

Oh look I just earned appreciated! Yeah right! I get treated like s__t around here.


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Tried out the new feature. Works perfectly

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