On posting lots of images within condensed period of time

exactly, and i would like to keep it that way, if you have something to say or an observation for the apartment or even a picture to share, go on do it, and than move on.but posting almost the same photo every second minute is considerate as spamin and it is annoying, no matter in witch apartment you would do it, you would still get the same behavior.

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There is a long history of on the fly picture posting at CamCaps. Years in fact! It’s been done by many many people. It’s never been called spamming and it’s really never been an issue until now.

i’m not here to win, i’m just saying the rational thing.you have plenty of option to follow,and you can simply abjust to not be annoying, it is a common sense,eveyone needs to make compromises.but seems you want to do your way or no way, in that case i could give you the 40$ and end of story.

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But it you who wants it your way. I’m not doing anything that hasn’t been done by many others before me.

Just quit posting so many photos.

Tell me how exactly how many is too many? It’s been 4 hours since my last picture post. Where are all of these conversations that I’m some how disrupting? This is pretty ridiculous considering that until I started posting pictures no one here gave a rats ass about this place. Then all of the sudden here come the forum police to put me in my place. I happen to like posting pictures of hot sexy women who are throwing themselves at the cams. It’s fucking fun as hell and it’s why I joined. If you ask me this forum would be a lot better if there was more picture snapping and less predictable, snoozefest, commentary. I could give a fuck about who these people are and it’d be a nice change if maybe they thought the same about us.

Some people don’t have access to that live feed. I appreciate people who post pics.

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Wow, hi Ami, I told James right away that you weren’t leaving us for long. What can I tell you? I looked at your posts and to be honest, I don’t see a big problem there. To be fair, I am also not a regular reader of topics with photos, so maybe I am not relevant here. But as for me - the rest can just hide you for themselves.

TBH I don’t see any problem with posting pictures, if it annoys anyone they can just put the poster on their ignore list, problem solved :laughing:

Good spotting :grin: I was gonna say hi to Amy too, but I was afraid that he is gonna get mad at me for revealing his identity :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I see that respect for people’s privacy and simple customer service are not a part of your mission statement. What other aspects of my personal account and information should I and other members assume that you blatantly share with other people? You didn’t expose me, you exposed yourself and the fact that you so easily did it just goes to show what kind of man you really are.

Ahaha, I haven’t even looked into your account. It was enough to look at your behavior on the forum. This is pretty obvious.

Seriously, one of the members of the forum wrote to me “hello, look, Amy is back.” I went and looked, and the truth came back. I do not see anything here that reveals your “incognito” - you are so unique that you will reveal yourself everywhere and always. However, I am glad that you are with us again.

Have to say the new album feature is pretty cool for it. Will try it out soon :+1:

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That’s just bulls__t and you know it. I know you checked my IP and shared with others.

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Of course, I can’t prove anything to YOU. You only listen to YOURSELF.

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You’re no different!

And you have changed in a dramatic way. Want a refund? Look, I looked at your profile and saw there that you will want a refund in the near future. And he shared this information with everyone. OMG!

I want to know if I can post live pictures without the mob getting you to do their will?

Personally, I do not see this as a problem yet. But I’m not ready to give you a complete indulgence for the future. If it messes up the forum, I’ll have to think of something.

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