Nina & Kira

Incredible voice, do you know why she likes Queen and Freddie Mercury so much?

I would say that people who don’t like Queen or Freddy are crazy and have bad taste.

Actually they are one of my favorites, just wanted to know her reasons

Ask Refazer he’s the font of all knowledge :rofl:

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Rob that is who I was asking when I replied to them

Oh didn’t spot that,sorry, whoops lol

No worries!

Grow up, they were crap on RLC and crap on here

It is true. They don’t walk around naked and they don’t have sex all the time. So you might find that ‘crap’. I find them fantastic. They are giving us a window in their every days life, they are going about their business, they are lovely people and both of them are far more intelligent then all of us combined. If you want porn, fine. There is plenty of that. On this site and on others. You don’t have to look very hard. But this place with these two beautiful humans, this is unique. It obviously is not something for you. Your loss.

Going upmarket eh Stink :rofl:

Nha. I’m no better than anybody here. I like me some nekkid women just like the next guy. But don’t come and tell me that N&K are crap. I’m sure they don’t need me defending them. They could crush any hater with just a few words. But they wont. Because they don’t do hate. They do just the opposite.

Maybe, am just not so obsessed with them like some. Thought they were more interesting at RLC at least they always had guests then and were always there, now on VH it’s neither.

You have point there. It hasn’t been action packed lately. And there is a good reason for that. Things will get better I am sure. It is what it is.

We should all be aware when time the is up and gracefully retire

These girls are the best house on VH all natural nothing fake When they first got married the action was here there and everywhere Now like most couples things slow down ,they would rather have a good meal With the odd bit of action when the mood takes themđŸ˜»

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You’re making me laugh :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

If that’s what’s make you happy😀

They are only 30 not b___dy pensioners yet :rofl:

Time to retire. The have past the sale by date

No one takes any notice of sell by dates